

National prosecutor takes over case of habitual traffic offences by former PiS politician

He had been stopped by the police for traffic violations 36 times and his driver's license was suspended 12 years ago. Despite showing blatant disregard for the law, the prosecutor in the case tried to have his proceedings discontinued. The man in question is Arkadiusz Sz., a now former Law and Justice politician and and advisor to the Opole voivode. Finally, he may face the justice he deserves. After media reports, the National Public Prosecutor's Office will take over the case.

"Superwizjer" TVN exposes the workings of the so-called medicine mafia

The opposition is demanding clarification from the Prosecutor General after a "Superwizjer" TVN report uncovering the so-called medicine mafia. The scheme takes advantage of low prices for prescription drugs in Poland, which are purchased from pharmacies and exported to markets where they fetch higher prices. Sometimes even 15 times more expensive.

Key expertise in the case of hospital patient who died in fire strapped to bed

He was aggressive so the staff of the hospital in Kutno tied him to the bed, which an hour later burst into flames. Today, the prosecutors know that cigarette flame had caused the fire. Who is responsible for the tragedy? This mystery may never be solved as the patient who shared the room with the 37-year-old that fateful night, has died.

State Protection Service cars collided in August. Was President Duda in one of them?

Two State Protection Service (SOP) cars have collided in late-August in Kraków. The SOP limousine, in which President Andrzej Duda was supposed to ride, was hit by another car from this agency - according to portal. Asked if the head of state was in the car, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration replied that "the situation did not affect the safety of the protected persons".

National Electoral Commission has drawn list numbers before October vote

Number 1 for Polish People's Party (PSL), 2 for Law and Justice (PiS), 3 for Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), 4 for Confederation and 5 for Civic Coalition (KO) - the National Electoral Commission (PKW) drew election list numbers on Friday, assigned to nationwide committees that will put forward their candidates in all 41 constituencies.

LIBE to take action regarding Polish judges and LGBT community

The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has decided to send a letter to Polish authorities regarding the situation of the rights of the LGBT community, and a separate document to the Council of Europe and the European Commission regarding pressuring of Polish judges - Polish Press Agency learned from two sources in the EP.

Investigation into possible sex abuse of a 13-month-old girl

Hospital in Szczecinek (West Pomeranian voivodeship) has notified the prosecutor's office about the possibility of abuse of a 13-month-old girl. Doctors have found severe injuries on the child's body suggesting sexual abuse. The girl has been taken to one of the hospitals in Szczecin.