Czech tests results are comparable to the Polish ones - Poland's Chief Inspectorate of Environment Protection announced on Tuesday (August 23) after presenting the results of tests conducted on water samples from Oder River. Apart from the Czechs, Poland has also asked labs in the Netherlands and United Kingdom to carry out separate tests on water samples from Oder.
Poland's Chief Inspectorate of Environment Protection (GIOŚ) presented results of tests carried out on water samples from Oder River by a laboratory in the Czech Republic. "Czech results are comparable to the Polish ones," director of GIOŚ central laboratory Mirosława Zbroś said.
GIOŚ announced last week that a total of 87 water samples taken from Oder River would be examined in laboratories in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Each of the three countries received 29 samples to test.
Zbroś explained that these kind of tests were meant to assess the competence, reliability. Comparative research is carried out to rule out mistakes and verify the objectivity of the tests - to see if they differ from one another or not. The samples had not been marked by place of their collection, but only by numbers, Zbroś added.
She also explained that the samples examined in the Czech Republic had been collected by Polish and Czech researchers, and then divided between each laboratory. Furthermore, she said, the samples had been sent over to be tested for sodium, chlorides and sulphates. Testing for pH or dissolved oxygen had not been ordered as they need to be carried out quickly, and there was no time to transfer the samples abroad, Zbroś explained.
Czech results comparable to Polish
GIOŚ central lab chief announced the Czech test results were similar to those from Poland. "The results are comparable. The difference between the results is within the acceptable limits of uncertainty of a given scientific method," she explained.
Zbroś also said that such results only confirmed the reliability of GIOŚ laboratories and showed they had carried out the tests properly - in line with the commonly accepted rules. However, she added, the test were inconclusive as to what caused the mass die-off of fish and other organisms in the river.
Results of tests carried out in the Netherlands should be in Poland this week, whereas that from Britain - in early September.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,, PAP