TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Archbishop of Łódź apologised to victims of sexual abuse by priests

The Archbishop of Łódź, Grzegorz Ryś has apologised to victims of sexual crimes committed by priests. During Thursday's mass, he revealed data concerning the Łódź Archdiocese. He said that there were 10 children that had been molested and 4 people just over 18 years of age. He added that this was not the complete number of victims.

National Bank of Poland made wages of its directors public

The National Bank of Poland has revealed the wages of its directors from the last 23 years. This comes after the push to make the salaries public, following criticism of the wages paid out to the current director of communications. This is the first time in the bank's near history that this director has made more than in other strategic departments like HR or risk assessment.

Teachers' unions say there's no point to discuss suspension of strike yet

Four out of five points offered by the government have been agreed upon by both sides - deputy PM Beata Szydło announced after the Monday's meeting with teachers' union. The negotiations will be continued from 8 a.m. on Tuesday. The chairman of the Polish Teachers' Union, Sławomir Broniarz said that, so far, it's still too early to even discuss the possiblity of suspending the strike decision. Sławomir Witkowicz from the Trade Unions' Forum also said that the government's offer did not lessen the risk of strike.

The disagreement over the Vistulan Boulevards in Warsaw continues

The disagreement over the Vistulan Boulevards in Warsaw continues. Warsaw wants those who lease space there to have new responsibilities, while the owners of the popular clubs say that it's the end of the promenade as we know it. City officials, however, hope the new laws will limit noise and trash from all-night parties.

Inspections in Silesian emergency wards after tragic incidents

All of the emergency rooms in Silesia will undergo an inspection. This was the decision made the minister of health after tragic series of incidents in the emergency wards in Sosnowiec, Zawiercie, Bytom and Dąbrowa Górnicza. Inspectors will verify how long it takes to receive help and the availability of benefits.

Most well-known WOŚP charity volunteer needs help himself

Łukasz Berezak from Szczecin has been known for years as one the most cheerful volunteers for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. He helps with fundraising whenever he can despite his own incurable illnesses. Today, he is the one who needs help.