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TVN24 News in English

Sejm of Children and Youth 2018 - the 24th session was held unusally in the fall

Children's day in the Sejm, in September - more than three years late. The 24th session of the Sejm of Children and Youth has been held, for the first time ever in the fall. It was delayed due to the protest of disabled people and their guardians. Some of the young representatives are disappointed that they were not able to debate that issue.

PM Morawiecki issued a corrective statement after court's order

The corrective statement everyone was waiting for has been made. The prime minister has rectified what he had said about how the government of Civic Platform and Polish People's Party spending the same amount of money on local roads in 8 years as Law and Justice in just 12-18 months. The Court of Appeals in Warsaw, in a legally binding verdict, decided that Mateusz Morawiecki's statement was false.

45 alleged Ożarów gang members arrested in a large-scale police operation

Central Bureau of Police Investigations' officers have detained 26 people in Warsaw and its environs, who are believed to be members of the Ożarów gang, known for its high-skill drug trade. It is estimated that its members distributed almost 270 kilograms of narcotics, worth almost 13 million zlotys. In total, 45 people are suspects and the police have not ruled out more arrests.

Man suspected of rape and murder in Miłoszyce over 20 years ago arrested

Three months of temporary detention pending trial for a man suspected of a brutal crime that resulted in Tomasz Komenda's false accusation and conviciton, after which he spent 18 years in prison. Norbert B. is a second of possibly three men suspected of raping and murdering 15-year-old Małgosia from Miłoszyce near Wrocław.

What were they talking about? Mystery of a brief conversation between Duda and Tusk

A surprise meeting between Donald Tusk and Andrzej Duda at the General Assembly of the United Nations. They sat next to each other and exchanged a few words and now other politicians are speculating what could they have been talking about. Activists of Law and Justice and the opposition are commenting on Donald Trump's reference to Poland in his speech to world leaders at the U.N.

Supreme Administrative Court suspended execution of Judiciary Council's resolution

Chief of the Supreme Administrative Court decided to suspend the resolution adopted by the National Council of the Judiciary, regarding appointing justice's to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. Unofficially, the Administrative Court is supporting its decision by saying the prime minister should have co-signed the appointments, alongside the president. Meanwhile, the PM says the decision by the European Commission to file a lawsuit against Poland in the European Court of Justice, cuts off dialogue.

Professor Łętowska: Kaczyński's words about judges are nothing but insinuation

Who knows, if it's not a violation of Penal Code. Without any proof, no one knows what, no one knows where, said Professor Ewa Łętowska in TVN24's "Fakty po Faktach". The retired judge of the Constitutional Tribunal and former Commissioner for Human Rights commented on Jarosław Kaczyński's words about "some judges' hatred of their own homeland".