TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

National Electoral Committee has drawn list numbers for local elections

The National Electoral Commission has drawn list numbers for each of the commitees registered for the local elections. Law and Justice got number 10; Civic Coalition (Civic Platform and Modern Party) - number 4; Kukiz '15 movement - 8; Polish People's Party - 2; Democratic Left Alliance-United Left - 5; Razem Party - 6; National Movement - 7; The Greens - 3; Non-Partisan Civil Servants - 1; Liberty in Local Governments - 9.

Court puts Polish state-owned carrier employees' strike on hold

The court said "no". A strike by employees of LOT Polish Airlines will have to wait. The unionists were claiming that they hadn't ruled out a general strike because for three years they have been unable to reach understanding with the management board of the carrier, regarding the changed conditions of their employment. Although the unions held a referendum for a strike in accordance with the law, the court continues to forbid the picket.

Will the President deliver? Still no sign of aid for Swiss franc borrowers

Support for those who took out home loans in Swiss francs was one of the main promises of President Andrzej Duda's election campaign. Now, the head of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers explained that the problem is not on such a large social scale as it was. Three years into government of Law and Justice and the current president, there is still no support for those who took loans in Swiss francs. Why? We tried to answer that question.

Kaczyński accused judges of oikophobia. Election campaign in full swing

Local elections are a month away and a top brass from the leading coalitions are lending their weight to the campaigns. Law and Justice has accused judges resisting reforms of lacking patriotism and has argued that have already outspent the previous government. The opposition, on the other hand, claims that the government is power-hungry and has accused the ruling party of flat-out lying.

PM Morawiecki: European Commission disrupted dialogue between Warsaw and Brussels

A discussion over the Supreme Court law is ongoing, however, the European Commission has taken a step that disrupts this dialogue to a certain, or rather large, extent, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday. In his opinion, dispute between Warsaw and Brussels stems from misunderstanding Poland's situation, which is undergoing transfomation.

Amphetamines in a surprise egg. Toddler ingested his father's drugs

He hid amphetamines and his 14-month-old daughter ingested them. Little Lena found the narcotics in a plastic surprise egg. She had to spend a few days in a hospital. The prosecutor acknowledged that the father of the girl endangered her well-being and even her life. Now, the case has begun in Szczecinek District Court.

Merkel - Schetyna meeting. EU budget and Nord Stream 2 among topics

Civic Platform's leader Grzegorz Schetyna has met with Angela Merkel in Berlin. He asked the German Chancellor about the EU funds for Polish local governments and about the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, from Russia to Germany. That project is backed by Berlin and strongly opposed by Warsaw.

"Judges are holding out hope". The new National Council of the Judiciary's disciplinary body summoned five judges

"Judges are holding out hope. We are defending values and we will not relent until the end," Warsaw Regional Court's judge Igor Tuleya has reassured when summoned to the National Council of the Judiciary. Yet more judges will have testify in front of the disciplinary representative. In question are statements they made, as well as their behaviour, that was aimed at upholding the Constitution. Everyone was summoned in the role of witness.