

Welcome to Godziszów. A borough that didn't want to join the EU

If it was up to them, today Poland would not be in the EU. 88 percent of those who voted were against joining the union, which was the national record in the referendum to join. Would residents of Godziszów vore in the same also today or would they change their minds? Has anything changed for the better in their region in the last 15 years?

Two people die in an accident during the 5th Żuławy Rally

A tragic accident took place during the 5th Żuławy Rally. During the second lap of the 2-kilometre long track, one of the teams went off the road and rolled into a ditch. The driver and his pilot were killed on the spot. The police are now investigating whether the rally organizers took proper safety precautions for the event.

A herd of 170 cows is to be killed. Animal rights activists try to save them

A herd of 170 cows will be killed. This was decided by the Veterinary Inspectorate in Gorzów. For many years, the animals have been wandering free through the Lubuskie village of Ciecierzyce. Local residents have complained about them because they enter people's gardens and walk on to the roads which is dangerous for drivers. The cows have an owner but local officials claim the he isn't capable of taking care of them. As a result, the problem will be dealt with in another manner.

EU's Tusk: Eastern Partnership states closer to EU than ever before

There’s no doubt that the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries have gotten closer to the EU than ever before, said the European Council President Donald Tusk on Monday in Brussels, to mark the official commemorations of the 10th anniversary of launching the Partnership.

US Embassy in Warsaw wants Poles to apply for American visas

The US Embassy in Warsaw has started the campaign called #VisaWaiverForPoland which is aimed at encouraging Poles to apply for visas. The higher ratio of visa approval to denials will mean that Poland can get into the visa waiver program. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to apply. There's still time to do so until September. The US Ambassador, Georgette Mosbacher personally took part, spending a morning in a cubicle, answering calls and talking to applicants.