

Two Black Hawks for Polish police

Two Black Hawks for the Polish police is a "breakthrough moment". The contract has been signed, the helicopters will be delivered by the end of the year. These were single-source procurements from the American Sikorsky company. The Polish Aviation Works Mielec are part of the company.

Bill significantly increasing National Freedom Institute's budget is in the Sejm

Four hundred million zloty instead of 35. The government is generous. The National Freedom Institute will have a bigger budget. Minister Gliński does not believe this, but the project is already in the parliament, and numbers barely fit into the bill. NGO's hope for some support and the opposition asks whether they will actually get it.

Boniek: I'm not the one to catch criminals

"I'm not the one to catch criminals. This is a role of the state," says the chairman of the Polish Football Association (PZPN). But the state can only be held by its word for the time being. Football clubs as well. If a game is changing frequently into a brawl, it is useful to change the approach, perspective and law. Jakub Sobieniowski tells us how to do that and not to repeat the same mistakes.

Preparations for "Saber Strike" 2018

Nearly 300 American military vehicles came on a ship to Gdynia harbor to take part in the "Saber Strike" military drills in Drawsko Pomorskie. "Saber Strike" are a long-standing training manouvres that help facilitate cooperation amongst the US, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland as well as allied and partner nations. It will last until June 24th.

They were "against" but voted "for". Polish MEPs made "a mistake"

The European Parliament has approved changes regarding the delegation of employees to EU member countries, that are not beneficial for Polish businesses. Some of the Polish MEPs actually voted for the laws but, as Civic Platform representatives claim, they did this by mistake because the voting was carried out in a chaotic manner. Some of them have already submitted corrections to their votes.

Who will sign Lewandowski? Polish striker is ready to leave Bayern, according to media

No one has any doubt that Robert Lewandowski will be going to the World Cup in Russia. There is, however, plenty of doubt over which club he will be playing for when his duties with the national team are over. The German weekly "Sport Bild" has published the latest revelations on Lewandowski's future. On which stadium will the prolific striker score his goals next season?

No decisions were taken at the round-table on football hooliganism

A round table meeting on security and riots at stadiums. Among others, prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki and ministers Joachim Brudziński and Witold Bańka, as well as the head of the Polish Football Association, Zbigniew Boniek took part. The prime minister drew attention to the fact that the incidents were not an everyday event and the head of the Football Association underlined that no concrete decisions were made at the meeting.

Law and Justice dissatisfied with the future EU budget

The future EU budget and Poland standing to lose important structural funds. This is despite the fact that the budget as a whole will rise. In addition, Poland is to remain the largest beneficiary. However, this isn't satisfying for Polish politicians. Law and Justice's government is stressing that nothing has been finalised.

"It was a time of the humiliated and the humiliating"

"The political class had failed this test," said the Deputy Human Rights Commissioner for Equal Treatment, Sylwia Spurek. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" commented on the 40-day-long protest of the disabled and their caregivers. "It was a lesson which could have taught us respect and place human rights in the spotlight. Unfortunately, it seems the government did not draw many obvious conclusions," she added. The guest of the first part of the programme was Professor Leszek Balcerowicz.

Poll: Law and Justice - 36 percent; Civic Platform - 28 percent

According to a recent poll by Kantar Millward Brown for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, 36 percent of respondents would vote for the ruling United Right coalition, while 28 percent would support Civic Platform, the biggest opposition party. Both formations observe an increase compared to the last month’s survey.

Polish National Foundation's operations examined

The Polish National Foundation is doing pretty well, just as it's board. There will be no dismissal because what for? However, there will be new ideas sponsored by millions coming from state-owned companies. Krzysztof Skórzyński listed all the famous ideas that weren't succesful and sums up the costs that weren't necessarily low in the two-year period.

Sharp slash by the EU and less money for Poland

A sharp slash by the EU and less money for Poland. From 85 billion euro only 65 billion might be left. The European Commission showed their hand. Now it's time for Poland to reveal theirs. Lately, Poland has been tantamount to problem at the EU arena.

"Cold War" premiere in Warsaw

The movie "Cold War" premiered in Warsaw. Its director, Paweł Pawlikowski has been awarded Best Director for this story of tough love set in the 1950s and 60s. It takes place in Poland, Berlin and Paris. The internationally lauded movie had its grand opening with the participation of the artists behind it and also... the minister of Culture, Piotr Gliński. "Cold War" will go on general release in Poland on June 8th.

Two seals brutally killed. Police is looking for perpetrators

Two seals have been found dead in Gdynia. And this might not be strange if it weren't for the fact that they were most probably killed. The police are searching for the perpetrators of this, what can only be called ghastly crime. The animals were bound and gutted, probably so they'd take on water more quickly and sink. However, their bodies were washed onto the shore. The person responsible could face up to three years in prison.