

No more pride. Top horse auction changes name

It was one the most recognizable Polish brands: the Pride of Poland horse auction. Conneseurrs and the wealthiest from around the world were showing up to purchase the best horses money can buy. That, now, is a thing of the past. Tha auction organized by the Polish state has been replaced with another one. There's a new name, a different convention and a promotional video showing surprisingly few horses.

Poland and Hungary criticised for changes to judiciary

Changes to the court systems in Poland and Hungary that threaten judicial independence are a "disease" that could spread and undermine democracy in the European Union, the body that represents EU states' judiciaries said on Thursday.

"No easy opponents in the World Cup"

"There are no easy opponents in the World Cup, so we have to focus on our work." Michał Pazdan and Kamil Grosicki showed at a press conference while everyone else were on the pitch. The pressure is building up in Arłamów because Russia is waiting and the will have to make choices.

Massacre on the road. Two cyclists dead near Racibórz

Massacre on the road. A car crashed into a group of cyclists leaving two of them dead. It was a straight stretch of road near Racibórz, the driver was sober, and the hit so powerful, one of the men was found 200 meters away in a ditch. The police keep repeating: drivers - be careful, cyclists - stay alert and visible.

Bees and honey under the roof

How would you behave if you had a beehive on your wall? Bees built a swarm under the roof of Ms Eugenia Nowakowska's house in Starogard Gdański. The honey drips down the walls in her room. The woman is terrified, but fortunately, firefighters and beekeepers have come to the rescue.

Bike trip to help a sick friend

Another story about people willing to take the extra step to help out others. In this case, though, it's not a step, it is pedalling. A group of young students have passed the half way stage of their very long bicycle trip, to make life easier for one of their friends.

Hot-air balloon flight dream became reality

Just for a moment he left the surface of the Earth and flew towards the blue skies. It sounds like a dream, and for him, it was. His name is Michał and he's a boy fighitng a very serious illness. Thankfully, the tremendous people around him turned his dream of a hot-air balloon flight into reality.

Sikorski: cuts in EU budget result partly from Poland's bad brand

As part of cuts in the EU budget, Poland will receive almost twenty billion euro less cohesion funds. That's the proposal of the European Commission. Poland is set to receive almost sixty five billion euro from the EU budget for the 2021-2027 period. That would be one of the largest cuts. Poland's former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski spoke about these proposals on the "Fakty o Świecie" in TVN24 BIS.

Will Polish players find peak form for the World Cup?

It's the biggest event in the world of football, but who will play? Well, in the case of the Polish team, some players can be sure, like superstar Robert Lewandowski. But who will join him? The manager, Adam Nawałka will soon have to make a decision. As it turns out, it won't be an easy one, as some of the top Polish players have been injured recently and may not be in their peak form. A lot depends on an internal game which will take place on Sunday in Arłamów where team Poland is getting ready for the World Cup in Russia.

Poll: majority of Poles in favour of reducing salaries of MPs

The MPs did as they were told by the ruling party's chariman and they have voted to have lower salaries. Now, according to a new poll, majority of the Polish people are pleased with that decision. Sixty nine percent of those surveyed praised the reductions. The motion was passed in the lower house of parliament on 10 May. The Senate has yet to vote on it.

"I thought that Law and Justice would lose more support"

"I think that a significant portion of voters, especially those supporting Law and Justice, got convinced the protest in the Sejm had its political context aimed at the ruling party," said economist, Professor Ryszard Bugaj in "Fakty po Faktach". The guests of the second part of the programme were Andrzej Person, Grzegorz Kalinowski and Tomasz Iwan.

Government should grant 500 zloty benefit to the disabled, according to survey

"The government has reacted inadequatly to the protest. The government should give a 500 zloty benefit to the disabled." This is what a huge majority said in a poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. If the parents perish, your monthly benefit will disappear, too. As it has not disappeared in the official calculations, Maciej Knapik adds it all up and reminds us of the fight and the drama.

Lewandowski: I will be ready for the World Cup

"I was lacking freshness during the Euro 2016 in France. I will be fresh for the World Cup," says Polish team's captain and top striker, Robert Lewandowski. The players have all gathered in southern town of Arłamów and already have their forst training session behind them. They were also visited by the prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

They were for and even against

They were for and even against. Polish MEPs were totally lost and the vote surprised them completely. One hundred votes are supposed to be a mistake and the vote harms the Polish workers in the EU.