

Anti-terrorists arrested a producer of home-made blank guns

Antiterrorist operation in the outskirts of Wrocław. A man had been running on his roof and acting strange. When it became clear he could have a gun, a special anti-terrorist police unit was dispatched to the scene. The man was detained and as it turned out, he is the owner of a blank gun factory. His house was loaded with these weapons.

Professor Engelking to be fired?​ Minister Gowin: no decision yet

At the head of such important organisation as the International Auschwitz Council should stand a person who avoids controversial public comments, and is rather moderate when it comes to voicing quite radical opinions on political issues", said Jarosław Gowin in "Piaskiem po oczach". The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education commented on the press revelations that the prime minister is planning to recall the current head of the Council, Professor Barbara Engelking.

Jarosław Kaczyński has left hospital

Jarosław Kaczyński has left the hospital after staying there for over a month. As Law and Justice's spokesperson, Beata Mazurek informed in the late May, the chairman had a knee surgery. "His main health problem is osteoarthritis," she added.

Bus and truck head-on collision. 25 injured, 4 seriously

Over 40 people, including children were on a bus that collided with a truck on popular road between Kraków and Zakopane. The accident happened in Tenczyn. The rescue operation is underway. Those who suffered worst injuries were transported to hospitals by helicopters.

NATO Baltops 2018 in full swing

The 46th NATO Baltops 2018 military training exercises in the Baltic Sea are in full swing. Assault Amphibious Vehicles landed from American vessels on the beach in Ustka.

Sixteen people in hospital after taking designer drugs

Sixteen people have been taken to hospital after being poisoned by designer drugs in Trzebiatów in the northwest Poland. The police have announced that a 18-year-old man accused of selling the dangerous substances will spent the next three months in jail pending trial.

Emergency landing on a highway

Instead of the runway, he had to take the highway. A pilot who was experiencing engine difficulties had to make an emergency landing on the A4 highway. Thankfully, no one was injured.

Official dedication of a used police car

It's almost like recycling a present. Used like new and handed over by a minister. Police in Sejny received the keys and had a special ceremony at which the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Jarosław Zieliński dedicated a new police car. The only problem was that they were already using the car for the second month.

Nationalistic slogan painted on Civic Platform MPs' office

"Poland for Poles" is a classic slogan that has rasist and nationalistic connotations. Unknown perpetrator has painted these words on the office of two Civic Platform representatives, Cezary Tomczyk and Artur Dunin. The damage is estimated at about 2.000 zloty. The problem, however, is much more serious. Lately, attacks on the offices of MPs are on more frequent.

Opposition asks about Beata Szydło's activities as deputy PM for social affairs

Beata Szydło and Elżbieta Rafalska are safe. The Sejm has rejected the vote of no confidence put forward by the opposition. It charged the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs, Beata Szydło with failing to meet with the disabled protesters in the Sejm over their 40 day protest. The opposition also wants to know what the former prime minister has been doing in her new role, and what are the results of her six months on the job.

More expensive fuel? New law on biofuels approved by the Sejm

A new fee will be added to the price of fuel. It is going to be more expensive at gas stations by 10 groszy per liter. Although the government defends the law on biofuels, by assuring that prices will not go up, the opposition claims that the new emissions fee is nothing but a new tax.

Senate in favour of lowering earnings of MPs

The Senate passed an amendment to the Act on Performing the Duties of Representative and Senator, which would cut salaries of MPs by 20 percent. The wages of representatives and senators will be equal to 80 percent of undesecretary of state's salary. Fifty eight Senators voted in favour of the amendment, one was against and two abstained. According to the legislation's authors, the change in the MPs salaries is a result of "public expectation regarding the earnings of MPs" and "it will have a positive social and economic impact"

Case of refusal of service to LGBT foundation. Supreme Court ruling on 14 June

The Supreme Court has postponed issuing of the ruling in a high-profile case of printing shop owner who refused to print out posters for LGBT foundation. The court has found Adam J. guilty, but abstained from setting a punishment. The sentence reversal in favour of the printer was submitted by the Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro.

"Funds for rehabilitation have been secured"

"Funds to cover the unlimited rehabilitation for people with severe disabilities have been secured", said the Health Minister, Łukasz Szumowski. According to the bill passed in response to the protest of the disabled in the Sejm, the access to the rehabilitation should be available from July on.

Students protest against minister Gowin's education reform

Another day, another protest. This time it's against the new Constitution for Education. Dozens of students and educators at the University of Warsaw are criticising the bill introducted by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. They want democracy and autonomy, and they fear the influence of outsiders and political agenda. The ruling party says there are at least 100 changes to be made to the bill.