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TVN24 News in English

Former PM Beata Szydło caused a road accident in Kraków

On Sunday evening (August 18), in Kraków, a car accident took place involving a car driven by former prime minister Beata Szydło. The other driver said that he had smashed into a car which entered the left lane directly from a road without right of way. The Lesser Poland Police have confirmed to TVN24 that the former PM was involved in the accident. Szydło accepted a ticket.

Key campaign issues. Poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

Health care, social policy and education are the top three most important election campaign issues - according to Kantar poll conducted for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. The respondents were asked to pick no more than three issues that in their opinion should be at the centre of the campaign before the fall's parliamentary election.

Mayor of Poznań Jacek Jaśkowiak received a letter with death threats

The Mayor of Poznań has received a letter with death threats. The author explicitly threatens to kill the mayor. "The collected evidence is enough to charge the person suspected of writing the letter," said the spokesperson of the District Prosecutor's Office in Poznań, Michał Smętkowski. The author has signed the letter. It is believed that he's a double murderer, serving a life sentence since the nineties.

Prosecutor's office investigates the death of former boxer Dawid Kostecki

The prosecutor's office referred to the Monday's publication of "Gazeta Wyborcza" suggesting that former boxer Dawid Kostecki could have been drugged before his death. According to those investigators, the marks on his neck were not caused by needles, but the prosecutor who was the first to inspect the body of the boxer was of a different opinion.

Gerald Birgfellner testified yet again regarding Kaczyński towers

Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfellner, who accused Poland's powerful politician Jarosław Kaczyński of fraud, has given another testimony. This time to Austrian prosecutors in Vienna, although the questions have been sent in writing by the Polish prosecutor's office. Birgfellner answered around 100 questions.

Kaczyński says Polish courts are totally influenced by LGBT ideology

I think that it's in the best interest of all Poles for the courts to be free from any ideology, as well as from any politicians - Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin said on Monday. He was referring to Jarosław Kaczyński's words who said that Polish courts are totally under the influence of LGBT ideology. Sasin said that Kaczyński may have been referring to analysis of certain rulings, but he didn't provide any concrete examples.

Civic Platform boycotts meeting regarding official flights regulations

Family members of the most prominent government officials won't be allowed on official flights, unless they are part of official delegation - the chief of the prime minister's office Michał Dworczyk said on Monday. He added that there will be separate regulations for the President and the First Lady.

Secret services coordinator Mariusz Kamiński to take over as home office chief

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has told the secret service coordinator Mariusz Kamiński to take over the interior ministry after Elżbieta Witek, and asked President Andrzej Duda to officially appoint him as the new Minister of the Interior and Administration. Kamiński will remain the head of Polish secret services - the spokesperson for the government Piotr Müller informed on Friday.

Damaged houses and power outages in Poland after heavy storms

Firefighters intervened 484 times after heavy storms that had passed over Poland on Wednesday and at night on Thursday. 2654 households were left without electricity and one firefighter got injured - the spokesman for the Polish Fire Service Paweł Frątczak said.

Kaczyński says PiS will check Tusk's flights from his time as PM

During Thursday's conference, at which parliament speaker Marek Kuchciński announced his resignation, a video was played showing Jarosław Kaczyński's words from 2011, when Donald Tusk was Poland's prime minister. "It's prime minister's right. Everyone has the right to be at home. We cannot expect from any prime minister to live in Warsaw," Kaczyński said at the time. On Thursday, he reassured that he stood by his words. However, at the same time he said that, during his time as PM, Tusk had taken 281 flights to his hometown of Gdańsk.