TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Don't be indifferent. 63 homeless people died since November in Poland

The cold weather brings with it even more difficult times for the homeless. Sometimes, even deadly. That's why authorities remind citizens not to be indifferent to the plight of the homeless when it's freezing outside. You can even save a life by reporting such incidents to the city guard or the police. On Wednesday, one person died from exposure and since November, a total of 63 deaths were reported.

Central bank chief inspired the meeting? Behind the scenes of the KNF scandal

According to "Gazeta Wyborcza", Marek Chrzanowski, the former chief of Poland's financial regulator (KNF) told the investigators that it was the head of NBP Adam Glapiński who inspired the meeting between Chrzanowski and bank owner Leszek Czarnecki. The opposition is convinced that an investigative commission needs to be set up as soon as possible, in order to explore the details of the so-called KNF scandal.

Red flags and warnings ignored. Was it possible to avoid the tragedy?

Note from the prison service and in it, the words of Stefan W. "I would like for Jarosław Kaczyński to be a dictator" and "I don't want to be in Pomerania because it's a home of Civic Platform". The would be murdered said in a conversation that would be noted and one day before his release, sent to police. There were lots of red flags and warnings but did anyone pay attention?

The trial has begun. Krystian W. is accused of multiple rapes

It's the beginning of the trial and there's a very long list of accusations. According to investigators, Krystian W. took advantage of teenage girls and committed 65 crimes, most of them rape and attempted rape. There are over 30 victims, several of them aren't even 15 years old. They're just children.

16 million zlotys in "mayor Adamowicz's last collection can"

Sixteen million zlotys in one collection can! The result is just baffling. People came together on the internet to do one last collection for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, to honour the memory of the murdered Gdańsk mayor Paweł Adamowicz. The internet fundraiser will certainly go down in history and is a testimony of how well Poles are able to unite in difficult times.