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TVN24 News in English

Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs: Poles in the UK made a huge contribution to British economy

"Polish population living in the UK have made a huge contribution to the British economy," said the Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs and the CEO of Goldman Sachs International, Richard Gnodde in an interview for TVN24 BIS. Gnodde added that, "the UK economy wouldn't be able to operate the way it does without the contribution of Polish citizens, as well as the citizens from the rest of the EU 27". "Broadly across the economy that part of the labour force is a very significant contributor and will hopefully continue to be so," said Goldman Sachs' Richard Gnodde.

Private households in Poland not to be affected by energy prices spike

Some good and bad news from the Energy Regulation Office. The bad news is that the prices of electricity will go up. The good news - it shouldn't directly affect private households. The minister of energy is assuring the public that each private household will receive compensation from the government for the raising prices. This will be guaranteed regardless of income. Energy providers will charge the governement for the increase. But companies and local governments will be excluded from this compensation.

Kremlin: Polish PM's words on Nord Stream 2 "unfortunate"

The Kremlin responded to Mateusz Morawiecki's words about the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. The Polish PM had asked what would prevent Vladimir Putin from marching into Kiev, if it turned out that after building the Nord Stream 2, the Ukrainian gas transmission system was unnecessary.

President Duda has signed the Employee Capital Plans bill

Andrzej Duda signed the bill on Employee Capital Plans which assumes the creation of a private saving system. It is to comprise contributions paid by employees, employers and the state. The new system is to provide additional savings for future pensioners.

Poll: support gap between ruling Law and Justice and opposition tightens

According to a new survey carried out by Kantar Millward Brown, 33 percent of respondents would vote on the ruling coalition of Law and Justice, Alliance and United Poland, if the elections were held in the coming days. This is 5 percentage points less compared to the September's poll. Civic Platform would get the second result of 26 percent of votes, while the Democratic Left Alliance and Kukiz'15 would be third with 7 percent each.

Poll: over 50 percent critical of central bank chief's defense of dismissed KNF boss

Fifty three (53) percent of Poles have a negative opinion on a comment made by the chief of Poland's central bank Adam Glapiński, who has praised the dismissed head of the Financial Supervision Authority, Marek Chrzanowski, according to a poll carried out by Kantar Millward Brown for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. Positive opinion about Glapiński's words was shared by 20 percent of respndents.

The Financial Stability Committee discussed situation at Noble Getin and Idea banks

The Financial Stability Committee held a meeting on Getin Noble Bank and Idea Bank. The atendees included the minister of finance, the president of the National Bank of Poland, the acting head of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the president of the management board of the Bank Guarantee Fund. They announced a communique stating that they had interviewed the representatives of both banks, who assured that they were currently settling their obligations towards their clients.

Banker Leszek Czarnecki testified to a prosecutor in KNF scandal case

Most of all, this is a corription scandal, said Leszek Czarnecki in front of the prosecutor's office on Monday. He later answered the investigator's questions on the scandal revolving around the financial supervision authority - the KNF. The businessman had recorded a conversation with the KNF's former head who is purported to have offered a corruption proposal. A favour for hiring a particular lawyer for 40 million zlotys. Czarnecki's attorney said the prosecutor was going to receive another recording.

Poland has sent its response to EU Commission regarding ECJ's ruling

Poland will exercise its right to present information about its interpretation of the ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, regarding the Supreme Court, said deputy foreign minister Konrad Szymański. According to an EU source, on Monday evening, Poland sent its response to the European Commission, regarding the ECJ's order.