

Skateboarding fundraiser in Poznań

Krzysztof M. has been charged with attempted murder with intent. In October he allegedly attacked 21-year-old Albert in the centre of Poznań. The young man fell onto the road and was then run over by a car. Despite being in critical condition Albert didn't give up. Nor did his skateboarding friends. They organised a fundraiser for his rehabilitation.

Lead singer leaves Myslovitz

Musicians from a cult Polish band Myslovitz are again without a lead singer. Six years ago, the leader and co-creator of the group, Artur Rojek left to pursue a solo career. Today, Myslovitz says goodbye to Michał Kowalonek who has been with the band since 2012.

Professor Chazan emerges in a new role

Professor Bogdan Chazan has been nominated as the gynaecology and obstetrics consultant for Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. He is an outspoken opponent of legal abortion and the IVF treatment. In recent years, he has also been mired in scandal.

"We won't leave until our demands are met"

People with disabilities and their parents continue the protest in the Polish parliament. They say they won't leave until their demands are met. The government has proposed a so-called solidarity levy, that would be paid by the wealthiest, to help those most in need. The opposition didn't spare criticism.

Murder suspect in custody again after escaping convoy

After a gruelling manhunt, a 30-year-old murder suspect who escaped police custody has been detained. The police claims that although Adam D. was in arm and leg restraints, he managed to free himself and escape. The question how he did that still stands.

"Demagoguery turned against its authors"

"It would have been much different, if the ministers’ bonuses were granted in a more transparent manner," said Waldemar Pawlak in "Fakty po Faktach". The former Polish prime minister was referring to the discretionary awards, the former PM Beata Szydło had given herself and the members of her cabinet.

"Local elections are about local problems, not politics"

Politicians from the ruling Law and Justice party are on a nation-wide meet and greet tour ahead of local elections. This is how Waldemar Pawlak, the former prime minister from the People's Party, commented on it in our "Fakty po Faktach" studio.

MMA fighter a real-life hero

An MMA fighter turned real-life superhero when he defended two boys who had been attacked while waiting at a bus stop. The two bullies from Orzesze near Tychy weren't expecting any real resistance. But they ended up getting a big surprise.

Constitutional tug of war

It's a constitutional tug of war. On one side are those that want more power in the hands of the Prime Minister while others want the President to call the shots. Andrzej Duda wants the constitutional referendum to take place on 11 November.

Donald Tusk will testify as witness in the Polish court on Monday

Poland's former prime minister, currently the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk has been called to Warsaw as a witness in the trial of Tomasz Arabski and four other administration officials. Many people are suggesting, including Mr Tusk himself, that the ruling Law and Justice party has other motives for calling him to testify.

Radical Nationalists celebrate at historic Gdańsk shipyard

The National Radical Camp, a nationalist organization, has met in the hallowed ground of the historic Gdańsk shipyard. Some are calling it a scandal. But the minister of justice is in no hurry to take action. And the chairman of the "Solidarity" trade union says that there's nothing to discuss.

Justified speeding law waits in Senate

Police officers may be given more leeway in making exceptions for those speeding by more than 50 kilometres per hour, if they feel that it's justified. Local mayors will verify the decisions made by the police. The proposal has been passed by the lower house of parliament, and is now waiting for approval from the Senate.

Czarnecki: opposition MPs lost their immunities for barbaric attacks on PiS

"Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz and Ryszard Petru have been stripped of parliamentary immunities for their barbaric and unjust attacks on the Law and Justice politicians," said Ryszard Czarnecki in "Piaskiem po oczach". The Law and Justice MEP was asked in TVN24, why the Sejm voted for stripping the opposition MPs of their immunities, yet earlier on, it decided otherwise in case of the ruling coalition members.