

Poles enjoy their spring break in May

Labour holiday on the 1st and the Constitution Day on the 3rd of May means many Poles are kicking back and taking a week off. The weather this year in most of the country is making for a perfect vacation. Take a look at how Poles are enjoying their holidays.

PiS wants to cut salaries of MP's and Senators

Law and Justice is tightening the belt. In response to the bonuses given out to governement members by the former PM Beata Szydło, the salaries of representatives, senators and local officials will be cut by 20 percent. The new bill has been submitted in the Sejm. The opposition says that the legislation proposal is an attempt to cover up the scandal and tarnished image of the ruling party.

"Constitution for Business" enters into force

The "Constitution for Business" enters into force. The set of five acts which are aimed at the simplification of running business in Poland. Among other things, the legislation introduces new institutions and improves the relation between the business owners and the adminstration.

Tusk: I still haven't reached my finishline

I still haven't reached my finishline - said Donald Tusk as he recieved an award from European Polonia in Aachen, Germany. And once again, he is causing waves of speculation. Will he return to domestic politics? Or after his term in Brussles is finished will he contend for the Polish presidency? The former prime minister leaves us wondering about his future.

"We were deceived twice"

"When the government introduced the 500 zloty benefit for raising children, people didn't get coupons for flour or sugar. These people received money," said Iwona Hartwich from the Committee of Protesting Parents of Disabled People. Ms Hartwich commented on the recent proposal offered by the government to the protesters from the Sejm. The guest of the second part of the programme was Professor Aleksander Hall.

"Not a single penny for those in need"

"The government finds money for almost everything, including bonuses for the ministers. Unfortunately, with the exception of people who really need help. There's not a single penny for them," said Civic Platform MP, Andrzej Halicki in "Fakty po Faktach". On the other hand, Sylwester Tułajew from Law and Justice thinks that the problem of protesters from the Sejm is being heavily politicized by the opposition. The guests of the second part of the programme were Professor Antoni Dudek, politologist from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and Dr Anna Materska-Sosnowska from the University of Warsaw.

How to make Warsaw a better place. Patryk Jaki's ideas for the future

How to reduce traffic jams in Warsaw? According to Patryk Jaki, PiS candidate for the mayor of Polish capital city, the solution is mass transit and alternative means of transportation. Fees for driving in city center? That could be debated, but in distant future. In TVN24 "Fakty po Faktach" Jaki was presenting his ideas for the city. He declared, that he will keep open mind for different opinions about how to develop Warsaw.

"Governent can't fix all the problems in two and a half years"

"The dialogue continues because we treat everyone as partners, including the disabled", said the chief of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland, Michał Dworczyk. With these words he commented on the ongoing protest of parents of the disabled people. "The financing devoted to helping the disabled was increased by three billion zloty, therefore the accusations that we're not dealing with this issue are completely baseless."

"Professor Adam Strzembosz is a giant. Mr Ziobro pales in comparison with him"

"We could talk for hours about minister Ziobro's words on professor Adam Strzembosz," said Marek Borowski in "Fakty po Faktach". The former speaker of the Sejm together with professor Marcin Matczak from the University of Warsaw were relating to Wednesday's interview with the Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro who said that Adam Strzembosz is not his role model. For many, professor Strzembosz is a legend of the Polish judiciary. He's a co-creator of the justice system in democratic Poland and former chief justice of the Supreme Court and the State Tribunal. Tomasz Latos and Jan Grabiec were guests of the first part of the programme.

Social benefits will go up. The protesters fight for more

The social pensions for disabled will go up - the governement decided. However, the parents of disabled children who have been protesting in the parliament building in Warsaw for days now, say they will stay there until their demands are fully met. Hefty social benefits and rapid preparations of some bills became trademarks of the ruling Law and Justice. The protesters are asking: what about us?

Polish-American Economic Summit 2018

How to further increase trade between the USA and Poland, why less children have been born recently and how to make Polish organic food even greater? Business news with Mateusz Walczak.

LOT Airlines workers go on strike

LOT Airlines workers are going to strike on the 1st of May. This is an important date, as it is a holiday and a lot of people will be travelling. According to LOT, the strike will be illegal since the decision to initiate it was not unified, meaning not all of the carrier's trade unions are in favour of the protest.

PiS Chairman Kaczyński announced candidates for mayors of major cities

Law and Justice has announced the candidates for mayors of the 18 largest cities in Poland. The local elections will be held in autumn. Partyk Jaki will run for mayor of the capital city of Warsaw where he will challenge major candidate of the opposition, Rafał Trzaskowski from Civic Platform. In Kraków, the United Right has chosen the head of the Amber Gold affair committee, Małgorzata Wassermann.

The largest flag in the world

On 2 May Poles celebrate the National Flag Day. To mark the ocassion in Świnoujście town by the seaside, the largest flag in the world has been made. It will measure 720 square meters and will be flown on top of the Świnoujście lighthouse. Local kids helped to prepare the white and red banner.

Less UE funds for Poland?

The European Commision wants to condition EU funds on the rule of law. This could mean less money for Poland, as Warsaw is being accused of breaching the rule of law. However, the European Council and Parliament could still block the legislation.

President: a constitution suitable for XXI century

Polish President Andrzej Duda has a grand project of creating a new constitution, suitable for the XXI century. First, he wants to ask the Poles about its content in a referendum. Before that happens however, he would have to ask the opinion of one Pole in particular, the ruling party's leader Jarosław Kaczyński.

Penguins to help the needy

Penguin power! Nuns who take care of disabled children sell penguin mascots. The objective is to buy furniture and necessary appliances for the new house for their boys.