

Man shot dead by the police in Opole

The police shot dead a 43-year-old man in Opole. This dramatic situation took place in front of a police headquarters. The man first broke a window in one of the cars parked nearby. When the officers went out of the station, the man pointed and fired a gun at them. Officers fired back and shot the attacker.

Farmers' protest in Warsaw

"We have become a dumpster of Europe", say the Polish farmers who have organised a protest in Warsaw. Their main demand is simple: resignation of agriculture minister, Krzysztof Jurgiel.

"The world will now pay more attention to Polish literature"

"Now the world will watch closer to what is being written in Poland. I'm glad that I'm clearing the way", says one happy Olga Tokarczuk after being awarded the Man Booker International Prize. That's the most important recognition in the United Kingdom for authors of foreign literature translated into English. The book "Flights" will soon land on bookshelves in the United States and Australia.

Eighty penalty points in less than four minutes

Eighty points against his driver's license in just under 4 minutes. The motorcyclist was doing over 130 kilometers per hour on the road from Tarnów To Tuchów. He was finally stopped when a police car blocked the road.

Janina Ochojska wants mediate talks between protesters and government

Another day and the protest continues. "I could help mediate," says the president of the "Polish Humanitarian Action" pertaining to the talks between the protesting disabled and the government. However, before this can happen, Janina Ochojska would like to be allowed to speak with the protesters.

Interior minister takes the Free Citizens of Poland foundation to court

His predecessor filed an application, the current minister of the interior won't withdraw it and the court has set a date for the hearing in September. The goal is to break up the Free Citizens of Poland (Wolni Obywatele RP) foundation. On the "Jeden na Jeden" programme, Joachim Brudziński spoke about how the foundation broke the law and gave examples. The foundation claims that some of it's activists weren't speaking in the foundation's name and that the whole thing is a politically motivated attempt to bring the organisation down.

Will the government finally find a solution to the hooliganism problem?

What will the government do? And what ideas does the interior minister have in order to stop the nasty incidents of hooligans ravaging the stadiums? Last sunday in Poznań and in early May at the National Stadium. Flares, clashes and unrest everyone can see for a long time now. Still, no one knows how to hand over the stadiums to the true fans and get rid of the hooligans.

Kaczyński's knee injury sparked gossip about his possible successor as party leader

Law and Justice's chairman, Jarosław Kaczyński is in the hospital. He's been admitted for knee treatment, according to his party's spokesperson. Although the rumors about his retiring have been grossly exaggerated, still there has been much talk about the great pretenders. About crown princes and heirs apparent. In fact in Poland, they use the French word "dauphin" and there's been talk of dolphins swimming. As things stand, though, there is just one party leader, limping.

"Without Kaczyński, United Right won't stand a chance to be a ruling formation"

Jarosław Kaczyński is "an undisputed leader of the right wing of the political scene," said Professor Waldemar Paruch, politologist and social advisor to the Speaker of the Sejm. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" added that without Jarosław Kaczyński, the United Right has no chance to remain in power. "Law and Justice is a single leader party," stressed Professor Tomasz Nałęcz, historian, former deputy Speaker of the Sejm and advisor to former president Bronisław Komorowski. Bartosz Arłukowicz and Łukasz Schreiber were guests of the first part of the programme.

Revol writes a touching letter to her lost friend

Touching farewell letter with Nanga Parbat in the background. The French mountaineer, Elizabeth Revol is struggling to come to terms with her dreadful experience. She was lucky to come down from the mountain, but she had left her companion, Tomasz Mackiewicz. Now, she has written an emotional letter to her lost friend whose life ended in the Himalayas.

Government wants to build brigdes

Bridges to connect the Poles. Prime minister Morawiecki has announced the launch of the Bridges Plus programme. The oppostion raises concerns and says that PiS is better in dividing than connecting.

Brand new planes for VIPs await their pilots

Brand new planes to carry Polish VIPs are almost ready. What they still need in order to fly high are properly qualified pilots. The training is under way but it's gonna take some time, however, in this case it's best not to rush this job.