

Fire next to Civic Platform MP's home

Police have arrested a man suspected of causing fire next to a building in Inowrocław. Civic Platform MP Krzysztof Brejza lives in the building and claims someone tried to kill him.

"We, the Polish society, have failed the test"

"The protesting disabled will now return home and we'll lose track of them again," said the founder of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity foundation, Jerzy Owsiak. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" added: "we're pushing them away when we're not talking about them".

Will the recently adopted laws improve the lives of the disabled?

"We'll be knocking on the doors of specialists and rehabilitation centers." Those were the parting words of the disabled and their families as they left the parliament building. They have suspended their protest after forty days but stated that they will hold the government to its word. The protesters are waiting to see just how well the new government bill works in practice.

Less money for Polish regions. Business news

Poland will be receiving significantly less funding from the European Union. Furthermore, the instability coming out of Italy may affect the economy here. However, it seems that more and more people want to come to Poland to work. Mateusz Walczak has more details on these business stories.

Series of waste fires and government's reaction. Is there a Polish waste mafia?

It was not just any waste fire. It is another in a series of blazes to take place in a trash dump this year and it has led the government to speak out against what the minister of environment is calling a waste mafia. The interior minister has spoken of tonnes of illegal waste entering Poland. The prime minister has heralded changes in the law. The Internal Security Agency and the Prosecutor General will look into the recent series of fires.

"No broadcast from the voting stations"

There will be no broadcast from voting stations. The GDPR won't allow it so the Elections Committee (PKW) doesn't intend to record. The PKW did warn, but Law and Justice knew better. As a result, the law is now dead and the politicians better know what they're doing.

Two teenagers beat a man to death in Braniewo

In cold blood. A 13- and a 15-year-old beat an older man to death while a woman who came across them is now fighting for her life. On a sunny day, on a river bank in Braniewo, children did something so horrible. How do we judge such young and cruel perpetrators?

Polish clubs helpless in fight against hooliganism

Following a scandal at the Lech Poznań stadium a new fine of 120.000 zloty has been imposed on the club. Such fines can be imposed endlessly, however, and to no avail. Especially, given that hooligans with stadium bans are hired as stewards at the stadiums. Wojciech Bojanowski shows how the hooligans keep the clubs as their hostages.

Business news from Poland

Government's housing project, fewer customers in shopping malls and Poland's plans for energetic independence. Business news with Mateusz Walczak.

"Grenadier" Strategic Games Convention

The 13th edition of the "Grenadier" Strategic Games Convention may be over, but the memories of the event will definitely remain very vivid. This is due to the highlight of the convention which turned into a historical battle.

Kruzensztern moored in Świnoujście port

In a spectacular naval show a Russian giant sailed outside the port in Świnoujście. Kruzensztern is one of the world's largest tall ships. It was moored in the Polish port for a weekend, open for visitors as there is a lot to see. Four masts, one hundered and fifteen meters length and ninety two years of history. The sailing giant was created in Germany and after World War Two they surrendered it to the Soviets as part of the reparations.

International conference on medical marijuana in Wrocław

Medical marijuana was the topic of an international conference in the city of Wrocław. Parents of sick children and doctors met to discuss the issue. Although, medical marijuana is not a miracle cure, it can improve the quality of life. The access to it in Poland is still not easy.

Charity tournament for little Adaś

Over five hundred footballers took part in a charity tournament for little Adaś. The money collected during the event went towards an operation for the 6-year-old boy. The event took place in Wieliczka near Kraków.