

Kajetan P. faces trial. He is accused of brutal killing of a woman

Experts say he was fascinated by Hannibal Lecter. He considered himself superhuman and able to kill another human being as calmly as one kills a mosquito. We return to the horryfing criminal case. Kajetan P., accused of brutally murdering a woman back in 2016, faces trial. It is confidential due to the gruesome details.

"In 2015 minister Rafalska whispered to our ears: vote for me"

"We feel deceived. Not only by minister Rafalska but also by the president," said Iwona Hartwich in "Fakty po Faktach". The leader of the Protesting Parents of Disabled People Committee, together with other protesters, had spent 40 days in the Sejm building fighting for their demands to be met. Her son, Jakub Hartwich said "unfortunately, the Polish government doesn't want to help the disabled".

"Chairman Kaczyński should leave hospital in a dozen days or so"

"Jarosław Kaczyński is just fine. He'll be back at work soon," reassured the Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Adam Bielan asked about the condition of the Law and Justice's chairman. The guest of "Kropka nad i" added that the leader of the ruling party is not politically retiring yet.

The disabled returned home. Politicians comment on the protest

After forty days and nights in a corridor in parliament, with restricted access to bathroom, outside world and other people the disabled protesters and their parents left the Sejm and returned home. Their main demand hasn't been met. The government claims it is the most socially aware cabinet in recent history of Poland.

Will the local elections be postponed until spring?

The local govenment elections. Will they be pushed back to spring, because the PiS reform is far behind. "I have frightened local government officials calling me," says the Chief of the Local Government Committee in the Sejm. He lists all that's missing: cameras, tenders, money, people.

Tomasz Komenda in court again but this time as a victim seeking justice

Tomasz Komenda testified in court but this time not as a suspect but as a fully acquitted victim of a crime. He had to spend 18 years in prison after he was wrongly accused of rape and murder he did not commit. Apart from compensation, he demands punishment for the investigators that put him behind bars and took away the best years of his life.

It's not a defeat. The protest is only suspended

They are leaving the Sejm with their heads up high. They do not refer to it as a defeat because the protest was only suspended, not ended. After 40 days the protesters and their caretakers take their manifest outside the Sejm building. The fight for a life in dignity will continue. The givernment announced consultations in June.

Protesters didn't get what they came for but achieved much more

They didn't get the additional 500 zloty allowance but they aren't leaving the Sejm empty-handed. They have gained an enormous capital. That of solidarity, understanding and support. Their world isn't a taboo anymore and as they say themselves, this is the biggest achievement.

Sailing boom in Poland

The sailing season begins. Apparently one even better than the last one because the sailing boom is on in Poland.

Business news of the week

Less than 12 percent of Poles consider working abroad. The EC will not impose fines on Gazprom. Fuel prices go up in Poland. Business news of the week.

Tornado ravaged villages in Mazowieckie

A tornado swept through the Lipski region in Mazowieckie voivodeship. Electric lines have been downed and a few housed damaged. Fortunately there were no casualties or injuries.

Huge fire of a town dump in Zgierz

Huge fire of a town dump in Zgierz. The flames lit up the night sky as the fire erupted just before midnight on Friday. Dozens of firefighters work on the scene and the extinguishing operation may last even until Tuesday.

Childhood obesity problem in Poland

Every third child in Poland is overweight or obese. They are gaining weight faster than their peers in other European countries. Serious health problems follow as a result.

Equality March in Gdańsk

Some 4.000 people took part in the Equality March in Gdańsk. A counter-demonstration was also organised but luckily there were no clashes as about 1.000 police officers had been in the streets. "Gdańsk unites everybody. Everyone should feel like home in Gdańsk," said the mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz who participated in the march. Local leader of Modern Party announced that they will submit in the parliament a bill legalising civil unions in Poland.

The protest raised public awareness of the problems the disabled must face everyday

Kuba, Adrian, Magda, Wiktoria, their families and loved ones. They were the heroes of the protest that, despite being suspended, has most certainly raised people's awareness with regards to the everyday problems of the disabled in Poland. Behind each of the protesters in a different story and different kind of struggle. They all shared their stories and told us about their needs and how far they are from satisfying them.