

Civic Platform leader Grzegorz Schetyna met with Donald Tusk in Brussels

There's no mutiny in Civic Platform, but rather a normal discussion. The question of presidential candidate remains open - the chairman of the Civic Platform party Grzegorz Schetyna said on Thursday in Brussels. Earlier that day, he met with former Polish prime minister Donald Tusk, with whom he agreed to hold futher talks.

Business news. Moody's issues opinion on Poland

Moody's issued an opinion on Poland's ranking. According to the rating agency, the Polish government's economic policy and continued interference in the judicial system could have a negative effect on its credit profile. Business news from Poland.

Battle for the Senate. PiS tries to coax senators over to their side

The opposition won a narrow victory in the Senate. The ruling party has reacted trying to coax opposition senators over to their side. Civic Coalition leader Grzegorz Schetyna was furious after senator Tomasz Grodzki had claimed that he was offered a job as minister of health. The new Senate is set to convene its first session on November 12 at the latest.

Prison sentences for couple behind Amber Gold pyramid scheme

District Court in Gdańsk has sentenced the Amber Gold pyramid scheme mastermind Marcin P. for 15 years in prison. His wife Katarzyna P. has been sent to prison for 12.5 years. This is the final of a trial in one of the highest-profile cases in recent years. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

Poland celebrates record voter turnout since 1989 elections

There was a record voter turnout of 77 percent in Warsaw, but Poznań, Kraków and Gdańsk were right behind. For the last three decades, only about half of all Poles went to the ballot box - and now cities competed with each other with excellent results.

Record-breaking subsidies for political parties from the state budget

Political parties that made it to the Sejm will be credited with record-breaking sums from the state budget. In Poland, political campaigns are publicly financed. The Law and Justice party will receive over 23 million zlotys, Civic Platform nearly 20 million, the Left over 11 million, Polish People's Party over 8 million, and Confederation nearly 7 million.

Has Supreme Audit Office chief filed his resignation? Opposition claim he has

Civic Platform-Civic Coalition (PO-KO) MPs said on Tuesday that they'd come across information that chairman of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) Marian Banaś is said to have tendered his resignation at the desk of Sejm Marshal Elżbieta Witek. The latter, however, said during the lower house session that "no letter regarding Mr Banaś' resignation has been filed".