TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Supreme Court rejects all six electoral protests by Law and Justice

The Supreme Court on Tuesday decided to leave the two remaining electoral protests by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party without further course - the Supreme Court's press office informed. PiS filed six protests in total, all pertaining to the Senate election. The last two protests examined by the top court were filed with regard to constituencies number 95 and 96 - Ostrów Wielkopolski and Kalisz respectively.

Both houses of Polish parliament held inaugural sessions

The lower house of Polish parliament, the Sejm, inaugurated its 9th term on Tuesday. The first session was opened by the Senior Marshal Antoni Macierewicz. Elżbieta Witek will keep her position of the Sejm's Marshal. A few hours later, the upper house, the Senate, held its first session of the new 10th term.

Opposition parties put forward Tomasz Grodzki as Senate Marshal candidate

Tomasz Grodzki from Civic Coalition (KO) has been put forward as candidate for the Marshal of the Senate - Civic Platform (PO) leader Grzegorz Schetyna informed on Friday after talks with the leaders of Polish People's Party (PSL) and Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). "It's a great honour on the one hand, and a huge responsibility on the other," Grodzki said.

Polish authorities expel Swedish member of a neo-Nazi movement

The interior minister has shared the Internal Security Agency's (ABW) concerns that the presence of a Swedish citizen, Anton T., who is a member of a neo-Nazi movement, was a threat to security, and has decided to immediately expel him from Poland - the spokesman for the secret services minister-coordinator Stanisław Żaryn informed on Thursday.

Accusations of sexual harassment in the Bagatela theatre in Cracow

For years they endured fear, harassment and even sexual abuse. Nine employees of Henryk Jacek Schoen, the director of the Bagatela theatre in Cracow, have finally come forward to tell their story. The director denies all the accusations, and the mayor has informed the prosecutor's office about the case.

Ukrainian hero and his family receive Polish citizenship

It was a life or death situation. After a pile-up on the road cars were engulfed in flames and there were people inside. But this did not stop Andrej Sirowatski who sprung into action and saved the lives of two women and two children. Five months after this horrible accident near Szczecin, Mr Sirowatski, his wife and two kids were rewarded with Polish citizenship.