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TVN24 News in English

"Superwizjer" TVN journalists have won the Grand Press 2018 award

Journalists Bertold Kittel, Anna Sobolewska i Piotr Wacowski ("Superwizjer" TVN24, TVN), as well as Grzegorz Głuszak ("Superwizjer" TVN24, TVN) were among the laureates of the Grand Press 2018 award. The 22nd Grand Press final gala was taking place in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN in Warsaw. The jury has selected the best journalistic works of the year. In this year's edition, 693 works have been submitted. Fifty three of them have reached the final.

Suspended prison sentence for two ex-police officers for brutal intervention

The court has sentenced two former police officers for 6 and 8 months in prison suspended for two years. The two had been already discharged from service for an alleged use of force against an 82-year-old woman. The intervention took place in 2015 in one of Wrocław's shops and was recorded by CCTV. The elderly woman was said to have stolen a few inexpensive items.

Former finance minister Jacek Rostowski testified before VAT commission

After nine hours, including breaks, the VAT fraud investigative commission finished the hearing of Jacek Rostowski who was the finance minister in the Civic Platform - Polish People's Party coalition government between 2007-2013. "After Mr Rostowski's testimony we cannot rule out further subpoenas," said the chair of the commission, Law and Justice's MP Marcin Horała, after the hearing was completed.

Opposition and the ruling party blame each other for financial regulator scandal

The scandal in Poland's Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) continues, however, depending on which side of the you ask, you will receive a different answer. The ruling party claims, the true scandal was back in 2014, when Civic Platform was in power. The now biggest opposition party, in turn, claims that Law and Justice are trying to turn the attention away from the corruption scandal with KNF's former chief, Marek Chrzanowski in its centre.

Business news. Less Poles consider going abroad to work. Further raises for teachers

Poles don't want to travel abroad to work anymore. According to CBOS (Public Opinion Research Centre) survey 86 percert of those asked were not interested in working outside Poland. Another round of wage increase for teachers coming up in 2019. Court administration employees also demand raises and so they lauched a protest. Additional 70 zlotys before tax for the pensioners from March 2019 on. Business news from Poland with Mateusz Walczak.

Justice minister's words about an assault on former KNF deputy stirred outrage

Words spoken by the Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro about me being brutally attacked because "the KNF had been emboldening criminals" are outrageous, as they clearly suggest that not only myself but any victim of any crime is guilty of being victimised, said the former deputy chief of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority Wojciech Kwaśniak, in an interview for "Gazeta Wyborcza". Comment made by Mr Ziobro in the state-owned public television stirred outrage among the politicians. While the opposition members evoked a storm of criticism, the Law and Justice representatives were trying to avoid answering difficult questions.

Actor Andrzej Seweryn celebrates his 50 years on stage

Actor and director Andrzej Seweryn is celebrating the 50th anniversary of his artistic career. He has played hundreds of fantastic roles and is considered one of Poland's finest theatre actors. He starred in over 50 movies and found success not only in Poland but also in Germany and France. Andrzej Seweryn received many accolades for his work, including the award for best actor at the Gdynia Film Festival.

U.N. members adopt global migration pact rejected by US and others

U.N. members on Monday adopted a deal aimed at improving the way world copes with rising migration, but almost 30 countries stayed away from the ceremony in Morocco. Apart from the United States, the list of countries that opted out from the pact includes Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria.

Police cracked an international gang smuggling explosive materials

Eighty tonnes of heavy explosives are now in the hands of the Central Bureau of Police Investigations. The operation included officers from Poland, Germany, France and Holland and the prosecutors will question 80 people. An international gang was responsible for the cross-border smuggling. The police revealed that they have been working the organised group since 2012.

Greenpeace projects climate action slogans on COP24 venue

Greenpeace activists on Sunday evening projected messages calling on politicians to take action on climate change onto the venue of the COP24 U.N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland. The slogans: "politicians talk, leaders act," and "no hope without climate action," were projected on the roof of the Spodek arena, where government officials and minister are meant to come up with a rule book to reduce emissions as agreed in the Paris Agreement in 2015. Greenpeace is calling for commitment to strengthen national climate plans in line with the 1.5 degrees limit by 2020, a strong rule book that supports action on the ground and "scaled-up and predictable finance and support for poor and vulnerable countries," the environmental organisation said in its news release.

Seven latest suspects in the financial regulator scandal released on bail

Five out of seven people suspected of irregularities in the financial watchdog's (KNF) supervision of SKOK Wołomin credit union, including the former KNF chief Andrzej J., have been released on bail and taken under police supervision. "The prosecutor has decided to use preventive measures against five suspects," Marcin Lorenc from the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Szczecin has said. "The measures are of a freedom nature namely an injunction on contacting other suspects, bail and police supervision," added Mr Lorenc.