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TVN24 News in English

Komorowski: I hope that Article 7 won't be used in its full scope

"The government should backtrack from their faulty decisions, especially now that they have entered negociations with the European Commission," said the former President of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski. He added that such action would be beneficial "for Poland, for Polish judiciary and democracy".

"I'll go to the Sejm again. I'll bring a chair and some water"

"I've never seen anything like this before. I understand that I had no entry pass but I've waited there for more than an hour. I'll go to the Sejm again and bring a chair and some water," said Wanda Traczyk-Stawska, an insurgent who fought in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" was not allowed entry to the parliament building on Friday. The guests of the second part of the programme were Professor Antoni Dudek and Doctor Paweł Kowal.

Anna Dymna: the protest in the Sejm is cry for dignity

"Whenever I speak with people with disabilities, very often it turns out that it's not the disablity itself that hurts them the most. What actually does hurt them is that they're being treated like aliens in our country," said in "Fakty po Faktach" Anna Dymna, actress and the head of the charity foundation "Against the Odds" which brings help to people with intellectual disabilities. The guests of the second part of the programme were Agnieszka Ścigaj from Kukiz '15 and Robert Kwiatkowski from Democratic Left Alliance.

Petru: instead of remaining idle, I'd rather work as a non-partisan MP

"In my view, the situation is very clear. I'm leaving the Modern Party and I'm not establishing any new political party now. Possibility do so will come only after the local elections and until then I will work as a non-partisan MP. Simultaneously I will focus on the new project so that it's ready after the elections," said Ryszard Petru in "Fakty po Faktach". Andrzej Olechowski was the guest of the second part of the programme.

Ryszard Petru leaves Modern Party

The founder and former leader of Modern Party announced on Friday that he’s leaving the formation. "Modern Party is like a child to me, but today it’s walking its own path", he added.

Stalemate after another talks in the Sejm

No agreement has been reached during another meeting between government representatives and protesting disabled people and their caretakers. "We’ve made many concessions," said family and social issues minister, Elżbieta Rafalska.

Hofman: another "corridor war" with journalists can't be won

"The second corridor war with the journalist will end exactly like the first one. The parliamentary authorities will have to step back," said Adam Hofman, former Law and Justice spokesperson in "Kropka nad i". He commented on the decision made by the Sejm speaker, Marek Kuchciński regarding denying access to parliament building to journalists without permanent pass.

Jacek Majchrowski will run for another tenure as mayor of Kraków

"Civic Platform leader, Mr Schetyna had visited me once and we had a very nice conversation. He told me that if run for another tenure as mayor, the whole opposition would support me," said Jacek Majchrowski, mayor of Kraków since 2002. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" announced on Thursday that he's going to run for a fifth tenure in a row. The guest of the first part of the programme was Professor Grzegorz Kołodko, former deputy prime minister and finance minister.

Polish drivers may soon be able not to carry IDs on them

Some good news for drivers. Currently in Poland, if you drove a car and forgot your license and registration, you'd pay a ticket if you got stopped by the police. This may change in the near future. The police will have access to all necessary information thanks to a special system. It is unclear, though, when those changes will come into effect.

VAT fraud charges for president's legal advisor

The former deputy minister of justice Michał Królikowski has been detained. Investigators intend to announce charges against him regarding VAT fraud, as has learned unofficially. The charges are related to money laundering "on a very large scale". Recently, Mr Królikowski worked as president's legal advisor during the work on the judiciary reform, after Andrzej Duda vetoed Law and Justice's bill.