TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Death at the precinct. Trial of policemen accused of torturing Igor Stachowiak

It is called the most flagrant example of police brutality in modern Polish history and now the suspects have been taken to court. The now-former police officers who used a taser on Igor Stachowiak have been accused of overstepping their authority and abuse of an apprehended person. They will not be tried for homicide, despite the families wishes. Mr Stachowiak died while in police custody in 2016.

550 years of Polish parliamentarism. Celebrations highlight divisions

It's an anniversary to be proud of. 550 years of Polish parliamentarism. Unfortunately, the atmosphere will be far from solemn and there's no unity in the current Parliament. In fact, how can one celebrate when the ruling party is destroying democracy and parliamentarism itself? - asks the opposition. Thus - the upcoming National Assembly will most likely highlight how divided the parliament actually is.

Chaos in the Supreme Court. Law and Justice aims to change the rules of appointing court's chief

The new law regarding the Supreme Court is causing chaos and uncertainty, depending not only on which side of the isle you ask, even judges give conflicting opinions. Who is the First President of the Supreme Court? Will a new one be appointed? Are there enough judges to appoint a new one? Who can be a judge in the Supreme Court? That's not all, Law and Justice is seeking to amend the new law and lower the threshold needed to appoint a new first president to the Supreme Court.

Another day of search for the missing python

The python at large near the Vistula river in Warsaw's suburbs continues to allude those searching for it. The operation to find and capture the snake is getting more complex and more services are involved in scouring the land and water. They plan to set up game cams in the areas where they think the giant python may be. At night, they searched the islands and banks of the river but, so far, without success. Police are warning the public to be vigilant and cautious.

MP Stanisław Gawłowski released on bail

"I demand from the prosecution to release all the documents regarding my case; there's absolutely nothing in those documents; I've become a victim of political manouvering," said Civic Platform's MP Stanisław Gawłowski on Thursday, right after being released on bail. He stressed that he feels innocent.