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TVN24 News in English

Paweł Pawlikowski awarded Best Director in Cannes

There was no Palme d'Or for Polish cinema in Cannes, however, Pawel Pawlikowski did bring home Best Director. The award was for his movie "Cold War", set in the 1950s and 60s and telling the story of tough love between two people from different worlds. Pawlikowski received the award from the head of the jury, Cate Blanchett. He dedicated it to Janusz Głowacki who wrote the screenplay with him but died in August last year.

Sejm Speaker's Guard will have more authority

New laws regarding the Sejm Speaker's Guard entered into force. The number of guards is to be increased as well as their authority and jurisdiction. Members of the Speaker's Guard will now be allowed to give orders to people whose behaviour might pose a danger.

PiS opponents disrupted meeting with PM Morawiecki in Gdańsk

Prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki met with residents of Gdańsk on Sunday. During a Q and A session in the famed Occupational Health and Safety Room in the Gdańsk Shipyard, a group of Law and Justice opponents disrupted the meeting. The atmosphere was so tense that the police had to intervene.

The protest too expensive for the government?

An epidemiological danger and, not to mention, the cost of food. For these reasons, among others, the protest of the disabled and their caretakers in the Sejm is a problem for the government. The authorities simply want it to end. However, they don't want to fulfill the demand of a 500 zloty allowance.

Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for Marcin Gortat

Marcin Gortat of the Washington Wizards has been awarded the Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. He received it from president Andrzej Duda for "exceptional sports achievements and promotion of sports among children and teenagers, as well as promoting Poland and for charity work." The ceremony took place during the president's meeting with Polonia in Chicago.

First Veteran Run in Bolesławiec

The First Veteran Run took place in Bolesławiec in Lower Silesia. The beautiful race was organized in memory of Lieutenant Łukasz Kurowski, the first Polish soldier to lose his life in Afghanistan. The goal of the event was to honour all of the Polish soldiers on missions abroad.

"Bobot" - a friend indeed

He is a real guardian, friend and medic, though he doesn't have a real heart. Bobot, because this is how he's called, is a robot. This electronic medical assistant's future task will be to help doctors and nurses. He was created by students of the Białystok University of Technology. The machine can measure a pulse and examine the heart rate of child patients. His inventors were awarded for their work with a gold medal at the International Invention Exhibition in Paris.

The Gift of Youth set sail from Gdynia

"Dar Młodzieży" (The Gift of the Youth) set out on its voyage from the port in Gdynia. The sailing ship will journey around the world in honor of Polish independence. It will dock at 22 ports on 4 continents, stopping in Panama in January for World Youth Day.

Myriad of species at Warsaw Aquarium Show

The Polish International Aquarium Show is the biggest fishkeeping event organized annually in the country's capital. It takes place at the Department of Animal Science at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The current, fifth edition of the expo boasted a myriad of species and habitats from around the world.

"I'll pay for the meals if that's Sejm speaker's biggest concern"

"I'll gladly give my MP salary to cover the meals," declared Michał Kamiński, MP from PSL-UED. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" referred to the comments made by the Sejm speaker, Marek Kuchciński regarding the costs generated by the protest of the disabled and their caretakers. His interlocutor, Barbara Nowacka also commented on the actions taken by the Sejm authorities against the protesters: "this goes beyond any standards, not only of parliamentarism, but also of functioning in a society". The mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz was the guest of the first part of the programme.

"Expecting Jarosław Kaczyński to cede power seems premature to me"

"I don't see anyone marked number two in Law and Justice. At least, Jarosław Kaczyński haven't named anyone yet," with these words the former prime minister, Leszek Miller assessed the current situation regarding the leadership of Law and Justice. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" added that inside the party "the coteries clash" and the potential successors are regrouping. The guests of the second part of the programme were Barbara Labuda and Jacek Santorski.

"Both sides hit the wall. The protesters and the government"

"This protest is a great opportunity. I've been on a wheelchair for 36 years now and I don't remember such a situation, such breakthrough that would lead to improvement of the status of people with disabilities," said Piotr Pawłowski from "Intergration Foundation". Together with the head of the "Polish Humanitarian Action", Janina Ochojska, he stressed in "Piaskiem po oczach" the importance of mediation in the talks between the disabled and the government.

Dorn: Sejm Speaker Kuchciński is an anxious-neurotic personality

"We're at a turning point and much depends on the opposition. I don't mean submitting further motions to recall the Sejm Speaker, Marek Kuchciński, but rather changing the whole state of play," said former Speaker of the Sejm, Ludwik Dorn in "Fakty po Faktach". The guest of the second part of the programme was General Gromosław Czempiński.

Survey: PiS drops but still in the lead; PO on the upswing

If the elections were held in May, 40 percent of respondents would cast their vote on Law and Justice which is 6 percentage points less than in April, according to CBOS survey. Apart from the ruling party, four parties would enter parliament. Civic Platform would get the second result with 19 percent, Kukiz ’15 movement - 10 percent, Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) - 6 percent and Polish People’s Party (PSL) - 5 percent.

Civic Platform wants ministers to transfer bonuses back to the budget

Civic Platform (PO) MPs announced that they intend to submit a draft bill that would order returning the bonuses granted to the ministers of Law and Justice (PiS) government to the budget. The legislation would also bind the prime minister to disclose in the Public Information Bulletin the names of those who received the bonuses and in what amount.

Polish sailor completes a cruise around the world without stopping

Nearly 270 days of solitude. A cruise around the world without stopping at any port, on the smallest yacht ever made for such a formidable mission. One of the toughest sailing challenges has been completed. After more than nine months in the open sea, Polish sailor, Adam Kuczyński finally stood on dry land. In Plymouth, England, he was greeted by his family, friends, journalists and supporters.

Woman in a coma gave birth to a child

A woman who has been in a coma for months became a mother. Her baby girl was born in Łódź. For weeks, the doctors fought for the life of both the mother and her daughter after a car accident. Now little Nikola is at home. Her mommy is still in hospital unconscious.