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Salmonella poisonings at famous coffeehouse chain

Nearly two dozen people have gotten Salmonella poisoning after eating cake at Green Cafe Nero and all have been taken to hospital. For now, the chain is blaming it's suppliers. Sanitary inspectors however, have a different opinion. Here's why you too should watch out what you eat when the summer weather hits.

What future lies ahead of Chopin airport?

The central airport is a central issue in the campaign before local elections in Warsaw. The candidate for Law and Justice, Patryk Jaki wants to build a new airport that would be called the Central Transport Hub and located 47 kilometers outside Warsaw. His opponent, Rafał Trzaskowski from Civic Platform is against this idea and wants to develop the operating Chopin airport.

Synthetic drugs send 13 people to hospital. Some in critical condition

Synthetic drugs continue to poison. Thirteen people were taken to hospital, some of them are in critical condition and even worse that some of them are minors. One man has been detained for selling the dangerous concoction. He could face eight years in jail. Here's more about why Poland is losing the fight against synthetics.

KOD ends protest in front of PM's office after 818 days

The ruling party is trying to pacify criticism from the European Commission regarding the rule of law in Poland. On Tuesday, they published the three rulings of the Constitutional Tribunal. However, it's been over 800 days since those rulings have been made, and there is a catch. The rulings were published with a disclaimer saying that the rulings had been passed with violation of the law. Members of Committee for the Defense of Democracy (KOD) said "the 5th of June is a day of victory for all the Democrats".

Lower quality products in Poland. Urban legend or fact?

When you walk into the tiniest local shop in Poland's smallest village you will see an abundance of products. Although there is no problem with quantity, some have long argued the products are lacking in quality. Do foreign companies send sub-standard products to Polish customers? Is it an urban legend or a fact justified by the lower purchasing power of Poles? The European Commision have taken on the task.

Three little storks wait for their first flying lesson

They came into the world but their parents couldn't fly. Thanks to workers at the center for the rehabilitation of protected animals they will have a normal chance at life. Three chicks were born to their disabled parents. Now they are eating, gaining weight and waiting for their first lessons in flight.

"Pride of Poland" returns. Famous horse auction will keep its name

There's some news regarding the horse auction in Janów Podlaski. It will take place mid-August and last for two days. Also the name, "Pride of Poland" is back, but most likely, the usual participants will not be back. As people close to the industry say, what was once one of the top events in the world is starting to look like amateur hour.

Vote of no confidence motion against Szydło and Rafalska ruled out by commission

A parliamentary committee has ruled not to support a motion for a vote of no confidence for minister of family affairs Elżbieta Rafalska and deputy prime minister, and former PM, Beata Szydło. The motion was brought forth by Civic Platform, accusing them of bearing "political responsibility" for the protest of people with disabilities in the parliament. During a hearing, both Elżbieta Rafalska and Beata Szydło denied the accusations with Ms Szydło calling the motion against Ms Rafalska - "dumb".

Bartosz Kownacki most likely to replace Stanisław Pięta in Amber Gold affair committee

Is this the political end of MP Stanisław Pięta? The chairman of his party, Law and Justice, has made the decision that he will be suspended as a member of the party and parliamentary grouping. He will also be replaced in the intelligence commitee and the Amber Gold commission. Those are the consequences of an affair, the media say, he was involved in. The opposition hopes this is not the end. Or at least: it shouldn't be.

"The goal is to qualify for knock-out stage". Poland doesn't lose hope after losing Glik

The Polish FA chairman has lost hope. Zbigniew Boniek, once himself a great player, wrote: Kamil Glik will not go to the World Cup. Kamil Glik is one of the most important players of the Polish national team and he has suffered an injury, less than 2 weeks before the start of the tournament. On Tuesday, it has been confirmed the shoulder is seriously damaged. That's a big loss for the team, but everyone on it says: this will not stop us!

German President Steinmeier in Poland

"The rule of law is an issue that we mustn’t avoid and that we won’t avoid. Earlier on, we spoke some about judiciary reform in Poland and we will discuss it further today", said the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier during his visit to Poland.

Lech Wałęsa joins the "European Front"

Poland's Lech Wałęsa, who led protests and strikes that shook communist rule in the 1980s, has thrown his authority behind moves to persuade the European Union to do more to stop reforms in the country which, as critics say, threaten the rule of law.