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TVN24 News in English

Reactions to president's draft referendum questions

The Polish president has revealed his list of questions for the constitutional referendum that he wants to hold this November. The questions, he says, are still subject to change. Most importantly, they need to be approved by the Senate if they are to be addressed to citizens. Optimism on the subject, however, runs low in all political circles.

European Commission on Poland: key concerns unaddressed

"I regret to inform you that overall and despite all of these legislative changes, key concerns which the Commission identified in the recent proposal remain unaddressed," said the vice president of the European Commission Frans Timmermans. This was regarding recent steps that the government of Law and Justice has taken in order to end the dispute with the Commission over the rule of Law in Poland.

Polish team already in Sochi

The white-and-red eagles have landed. The Polish national team took off for Russia before on Wednesday. In the evening, they had their first training session in Sochi. Now, the players have their sights set on their first real test of their skill - Tuesday's match against Senegal.

Chief justice: Polish constitution doesn't require changes

"The Polish constitution is very good and doesn’t require changing. Its quality is particularly visible in these difficult times, when it’s provisions are being violated", said on Wednesday chief justice of the Supreme Court, Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf.

Morawiecki: we want to catch up with the West

Prime Minister Morawiecki declares: "We want to catch up with the West". The head of the government has met with residents of Wrocław. He commended achievements and criticized the former cabinet of Civic Platform. There was also a lot about the vision for Poland's development, based on domestic capital.

Rainbow appeared again at Zbawiciela Square

The rainbow is back on Zbawiciela Square in Warsaw, however this one can't be burned. This time around, it is made by projecting light on a spray of mist. This is a symbol of the LGBT community and was created by the iniative of the associations: "Equality Parade" and "Love Does Not Exclude". It is a direct link to Julita Wójcik's Rainbow that for a few years stood on Zbawiciela Square. That rainbow was torched 7 times. And in 2015, it was taken down.

18th Equality Parade marched through the streets of Warsaw

On Saturday afternoon, the 18th Parade for Equality took to the streets of Warsaw. Participants carried the EU flag, a rainbow flag and a KOD flag. In addition, there were logos from political parties and civic initiatives. The parade is an annual event for the LGBT community. Its organizers also remember about religious and ethnic minorities, as well as those with disabilities and all the other discriminated groups.

Local residents troubled by Katowice airport

The airport in Katowice has been open for many decades now. But it is the most recent development of the port that has residents understandably upset. Neighbours complain of noise and even damage to their homes due to the jets. While they can expect compensation, they shouldn't expect the traffic at the airport to ease up any time soon. In fact, it's set to just get worse.

A two-year-old locked in a hot car

A two-year-old child spent over three hours in a hot car in Rumia in the Tri-City area. Security camera footage has already been passed on to the prosecutor, which will rule on whether the boy's father will be charged. It was local journalists who noticed the child locked in the hot car and informed the police.

Infrastructure development or campaign in disguise? Morawiecki secures 500 million for local roads

Local roads are in the government's sights. The prime minister has found half a billion zlotys to build and renovate them. This is the second payout for the task this year. 330 municipalities will receive the funds. They will not be spent solely on roads but infrastructure in general - crossroads, sidewalks and bicycle-paths. While those that stand to benefit like the idea, others claim it's a ploy to get more votes in local elections.

Legionella bacteria found in a hospital in Kościerzyna

Legionella, a pathogen which causes Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever has been found in a hospital in Kościerzyna. Unsafe concentrations of the bacteria were discovered in the warm water installations. And because it is most effectively spread by water vapours, taking showers has been banned in the entire hospital. Furthermore, there have been reductions in admissions in the children's ward, because young patients face the highest risk of getting sick.

Tension at a trial in the case of a spectacular heist

There is a trial underway in the city of Łódź concerning a spectacular gold and cash heist. The plunder still hasn't been found. The accused remained in handcuffs during the hearing. Both Marcin D. and Ryszard Ć. face up to 12 years behind bars.

President Duda has proposed questions for the constitutional referendum

"We must reflect over the Constitution, whether or not, its provisions function the right way and fulfil our hopes and expectations," said President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday at a press conference of National Development Council. The presidential minister, Paweł Mucha proposed the set of questions the Polish people will answer during a referendum scheduled for 10 and 11 November 2018.

"Europe, don't give up!". Manifestations in many Polish cities

Marches in many Polish towns in defense of the judiciary. Gathered crowds chanted in unison: "Europe, don't give up!". They have appealed to the European Commission to intervene, as they believe the bill on the Polish Supreme Court is unconstitutional. In the capital, the protesters gathered in front of the Supreme Court building on Krasiński Square.

Kamil Glik goes to Russia

Kamil Glik will remain in the Polish squad selected for the World Cup in Russia, said the Polish national team’s physiotherapist, Jacek Jaroszewski. "He should be ready for the third group stage game against Japan," he added.

Pay cuts for MPs is approved. Only senator Borusewicz said "no"

Pay cut for all the MPs. At first, the Sejm already passed the bill. Recently, the upper house of parliament, the Senate, also supported the 20 percent reduction of the MPs salaries. Fifty eight senators voted in favour of the bill. Only Bogdan Borusewicz from Civic Platform voted against. One senator from Law and Justice, Aleksander Bobko abstained from the vote.