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TVN24 News in English

European Commission opens a legal procedure against Poland over Supreme Court

The European Commission opened a procedure on Monday against Poland to challenge a new law forcing the early retirement of some 40 percent of the country's Supreme Court judges. The move is likely to develop into a formal lawsuit. Poland has a month to address the concerns regarding the Supreme Court. Spokesperson for the EU executive said the Commission is still open for dialogue with Polish government.

Tusk on Holocaust law U-turn: good that Law and Justice have come to their senses

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk told the media on Friday in Brussels, after the EU summit, that it's good to see the Polish ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) to "have come to their senses" regarding the bill on the Institute on National Remembrance. He added that damages done by PiS "will have tarnished Polish reputation for long time".

Young filmmaker cautions swimmers to be careful

One jump into the water could lead to a life of disability. Summer break has started and with it, the season for accidents. A young filmmaker has published a film online, warning swimmers to be careful. Every year, 700 people break their spines after an unsuccessful jump into the water. Many of them spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

Tragic pile-up on S7 road leaves one person dead and a few injured

A pile up on the S7 left one person dead and others injured. Near Waplewo, three delivery buses and two trucks collided, leaving two of the vehicles in flames. The delivery buses were believed to have been parked on the road, rather than in the parking lot nearby. One of the injured was left without a leg and was taken by helicopter to the hospital. At one point, the Warsaw-Gdańsk road was completely blocked.

40th anniversary of Mirosław Hermaszewski's space flight

40 years ago General Mirosław Hermaszewski and Piotr Klimuk set off on a mission aboard the Soyuz 30 spacecraft. Poland thus became one of only four nations whose citizens crossed the Kármán line. So far, Hermaszewski is the only Pole who has been in space. Thursday marked the anniversary of his flight and on this occassion he received greetings from his fellow astronauts.

EU leaders agree over a new migration policy. Poland and Hungary delighted

European Union leaders agreed on Friday to set up joint asylum processing sites and restrict migrants' moves with the bloc, responding to concerns from Rome and Berlin at a hard-fought summit. "All the measures in the context of these controlled centres, including relocation and resettlement, will be on a voluntary basis," said the leaders' joint statement, agreed after nine hours of negotiations. The 28 EU leaders also agreed to tighten their external border more, increase financing for Turkey, Morocco and Northern African states to prevent migration to Europe.

Israeli Ambassador: we return to normal, friendly relations

"We return to normal, good, friendly relations between both countries," said Israeli Ambassador to Poland Anna Azari to the media, commenting on the changes made to the bill on the Institute of National Remembrance. "There never was any shutdown in Israeli-Polish relations, but last five months were very difficult," she added.

Poland wins farewell game against Japan. Senegal eliminated by yellow cards

Jan Bednarek scored the only goal of Japan against Poland match on Thursday. Despite the loss, the Japanese qualified for the next stage of the World Cup, thanks to a better fair play factor than Senegal. The Africans have the same amount of points and the same goal difference as Japan, and yet Aliou Cisse's team ends their Russian adventure alongside Poland. Despite losing their first game to Japan, the Colombians end up as group H winners.

Morawiecki: I have kept my word; it's time for the other side

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the media that he expects a clear declaration from the Chairman of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and his Deputy Frans Timmermans regarding the rule of law dispute. He underlined that "he has kept his word" after talks with the EC representatives.

Polish teams dominated the Universal Rover Challenge

Polish teams dominated this year's finals of the University Rover Challenge in the USA. Poles took first, third, fourth and eighth places in the competition. The winners - Rover Team from the Częstochowa University of Technology.

Comments after Poland's rule of law hearing in the EU

The Polish government is commenting on what it's calling a sad incident and is hoping that the issue of the rule of law will be quickly resolved. This was what Minister Szymański was saying after the hearing that took place in Luxembourg. However, the First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans also spoke after the meeting, in much less optimistic tones. The threat of Article 7 still hangs above Poland.