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TVN24 News in English

Professor Łętowska: we have a war of law interpretations

A retired judge from the Constitutional Tribunal has commented on the war of interpretation of the law. At the Polish Bar Council Gala, Professor Ewa Łętowska spoke about the current process of the creation of law in Poland. In her opinion, during this process, there are infringements the effects of which are unclear and disorienting laws.

Investigation into Polish Air Force MiG-29 crash

Days after the MIG-29 plane crash that killed a pilot of the Polish Air Force, it is still not clear what caused the accident. Especially, since the pilot managed to eject and was in one of the world's best ejection seats. The State Commission on Aircraft Accidents Investigation will now look into it and and the minister of defense has grounded all MIG-29's in the Polish Air Force until the cause of the crash is determined.

Hanna Zdanowska will run for another tenure as mayor of Łódź

In Łódź, the opposition is uniting around Hanna Zdanowska's candidacy for mayor. "It's like jumping onto the Titanic", says her opponent Waldemar Buda from Law and Justice. The opposition is uniting behind candidates in other cities too, while Law and Justice is drawing a clear line between local politics and business.

"From Poland with Love". The centenary of Polish-American relations

"From Poland with Love". That was the message of the American ambassador during a Polish-American picnic in the park. The U.S. Embassy and the American Center in Warsaw chose this way to celebrate the centenary of Polish-American relations. It was held in true American style. There was American food, music, sports and even the U.S. Marines. One of the main attractions was a huge cake with an American flag. During the official part of the ceremony, the American ambassador to Poland, Paul Jones, spoke to those in attendance.

President Duda: Polish-Ukrainian relations must be founded on historical truth

President Andrzej Duda attended the ceremony marking the anniversary of the Volhynia Massacre in 1943. He travelled to Ukraine on Sunday to pay respect to murdered Poles. Ukraine's president, Petro Poroshenko was also there, but he dedicated his visit to the victims of the Polish-Ukrainian conflict in 1943 to 1944. The two presidents were not expected to meet each other.

Constitutional Tribunal judges complain about Court's President Julia Przyłębska

Julia Przyłebska, has been accused by seven judges of the Constitutional Tribunal for improperly conducting her duties as the Tribunal's President. In particular, the process of selecting judges to preside over certain cases, which has led to about half of the judges sitting idle. They say this threatens the impartiality of the Tribunal. Judge Przyłębska, however, says the accusations have no legal justification.

Political turmoil in Poland after new Supreme Court enters into force

Who is in charge of the Polish Supreme Court? We asked this question yesterday and we ask it again today, as it is still unclear. Or maybe the answer depeneds on who you ask? The political turmoil connected to the law on the Supreme Court continues. Now, more than ten judges of the Supreme Court have been informed that they are retired. Including the First President of the Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf.

Record coal import, problem with old cars and new driver fees. Business news

Poland can expect to import over 17 billion tons of coal this year. This is a new record, mainly due to problems with efficiency of Polish mines. As much as 70 percent imported coal to Poland comes from Russia. Poland has the largest number of old cars in the entire EU. According to Eurostat, 34 percent of all cars in our country are 20 years old or more. New quality fees are on the horizon and so the drivers will have to pay more.