

Business news. Energy in Poland will become more expensive in 2019

Electricity in Poland will become more expensive from next year. It's still uncertain by how much, but some experts claim it may be up by even 30 percent. The govenment reassures that it has prepared a contingency plan. The estimated cost of compensations for households may amount to 2,1 billion zlotys. Business news from Poland with Mateusz Walczak.

Great ideas for renewable energy at the climate talks in Katowice

Tuesday was the second day of the COP24 - U.N. climate summit in Katowice. Among the loudest voices raised against the dominant approach towards energy production was that of the Pacific Islands which may soon disappear due to rising sea levels. Many experts underscored the necessity of mankind to completely resign from burning fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources like the sun, wind or the geothermal. "There is still time to limit the temperature rise, but this time is running out," said the U.N. chief Antonio Guterres.

Central bank's chief wants press articles on KNF scandal to be removed

Civic Platform notifies the prosecutor's office claiming that the chief of Poland's National Bank Adam Glapiński may have committed an offense. Opposition party MPs want to determine if the NBP head is not taking advantage of his position "to introduce censorship in Poland, as well as to censor the right of the free media to criticise". This comes after the bank had asked the court to order a temporary removal of press releases regarding the scandal involving the Financial Supervision Authority.

Schwarzenegger: California reduced greenhouse gas emission; Poland can do the same

It's not a made up thing, it's not exaggerated. The World Health Organisation is saying that pollution kills seven million people each year. That's why I have become a fanatic about it. I'm a crusader for clean energy future, said actor and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The star of such blockbusters as The Terminator or Predator added that "Poland can the similar things like we did in California, where we slowly got off the fossil fuels. It wasn't going to happen from one day to the next, but we have been doing it over the last few decades". Former Governor of California mentioned that, at the moment, California is at 50 percent renewable energy and it had managed to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 25 percent, below the 1990 level. "Poland can do the same thing," said Arnold Schwarzenegger in a conversation with TVN24 BIS reporter and journalist, Michał Sznajder.

Activist Tomasz Wiśniewski has received the 2018 POLIN Award

Tomasz Wiśniewski, an activist who for over 30 years was involved in preservation of memory of Jewish communities of Western borders, received the POLIN Award 2018. The Award is being granted by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and this year's gala was held on Tuesday.

Drunk driver killed a 61-year-old woman on a pedestrian crossing

A drunk driver killed a woman at a pedestrian crossing in Łódź and then fled from the scene of the accident. The man is already in the hands of the police. One of the witnesses tried to resuscitate the 61-year-old woman but she died at the scene from her injuries. The police managed to catch the offender with the help of Łódź residents. The 26-year-old man is now under arrest but he is not fit for questioning. For the offense of causing a fatal accident under the influence of alcohol, the man faces up to 12 years in prison.

Police raided two escort agencies in Toruń and Warsaw. 11 people detained

Police raided two escort agencies, one in Warsaw and the other in Toruń. Their profits amounted to hundreds of thousands of zlotys per month. The police arrested eleven people - four in Toruń and seven in Warsaw. Four people heard allegations of leading a criminal organisation, while the rest are suspected of being members of this group.

Social Insurance Institution: 200,000 electronic sick leaves since 1st December

Nearly 11,000 at the weekend, almost 151,000 on Monday and about 50,000 until Tuesday afternoon - that's how many electronic sick leaves were issued since the 1st of December, when the new system began operating, according to Wojciech Andrusiewicz, the spokesperson for the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). Since the beginning of December, doctors are only allowed to grant sick leaves in electronic form, whereas the traditional paper method will be used only in extraordinary situations, such as the system failure.