

Will clients pay more? Confusion surrounding energy prices

It was a special post-holiday session in the Sejm. Afterwards a quick nod by the Senate and super-fast stroke of the pen by President Andrzej Duda. But despite their promises the rise in electricity prices was unavoidable. One of the large providers of energy sent its clients information regarding the new rates for electricity.

Prosecutor launched an investigation into Wisła Kraków football

At first, deep financial troubles, and now the police and prosecutor on the doorstep. The string of bad luck for Wisła Kraków doesn't end. Tuesday morning, the police entered the headquarters of the club, as well as the homes of the people tied to the previous management. The investigation is supposed to determine whether on not there were irregularities in connection with the unsuccessful sale of the club.

Danger on Polish roads as winter weather is in full swing

Drivers should go easy on the gas. The road conditions in many parts of the country are very dangerous. On the Łódź section of the A1 highway, 21 passenger cars got into accidents. And although the snow looks beautiful, it can spell tragedy on the roads.

Heavy snow settles on Szczyrk ski resort in southern Poland

The Polish town of Szczyrk, a popular ski resort, was blanketed with snow as blizzards hit the country's southern Tatra mountains this week. Local resident Aneta Franczuk said the snow had "taken over" as she struggled to drive her car out of deep snow on the roadside. Despite the problems for locals, skiers visiting the resort were keen to take advantage of the conditions, as well as take photos among small fir trees made unrecognisable by the thick snow. Earlier in the week avalanche warnings were raised near Zakopane, another mountain town popular with skiers and hikers. Weather warnings remain in place south-western Poland along the Czech border. Poland's meteorological service has forecasted up to half a metre of snow in some areas.

Marcin Gortat's Polish heritage night in the NBA

Polish heritage night took place during the game between L.A. Clippers and Orlando Magic. Marcin Gortat took the initiative for the 8th time to bring Polish culture closer to Americans. During the game, Polish war veterans were honoured and many fans brought red-and-white scarfs.

Famous boxer Artur Szpilka and his dog evacuated from Śnieżka mountain

Regardless of warnings and calls from rescue workers for extra caution, boxer Artur Szpilka decided to take his dog for a walk all along to the peak of Śnieżka mountain. However, the weather thwarted their plans. The athlete and his dog had to be evacuated from the shelter there. The mountain volunteer search and rescue chief spoke to TVN24 regarding these types of situations the rescuers have to deal with and are becoming more and more frequent.

A truck driver was driving wrong way on an S1 express road

It could have lead to a head-on collision but ended in a traffic ticket and police escort. The truck driver made a mistake and drove onto the snow-packed S1 express way going in the wrong direction. Police told reporters that other drivers were driving slow and with caution so they were able to the situation. Thankfully, a tragedy was avoided.

An intoxicated man attacked paramedics who were helping him

An unconscious, intoxicated man regained consciousness in an ambulance and attacked paramedics. The patient destroyed medical equipment worth almost a 100,000 zlotys. He was accused of violating the physical integrity of public officials for which he faces up to two years in prison.

Questions about the large salaries at National Bank of Poland

Law and Justice's senator Jan Maria Jackowski is asking about the renumerations at the National Bank of Poland. Is it possible that the co-worker of the bank's president is making as much as 60,000 zlotys a month, despite the fact that his skills and qualifications are questionable? The amount is shocking, agrees Jackowski and he is not surprised that people are asking about it. And when talking about his party: "we promised modesty," he said.

First charges in connection to a tragic "escape room" fire in Koszalin

The first charges and more details regarding the tragic fire on Friday in an "escape room" in Koszalin. The room of mysteries turned into a deadly trap which killed 5 teenage girls. Locked in a room where there was no fire safety measures or evacuation routes the victims stood no chance of surviving. For unintentionally causing the girls' death, Miłosz S. was also charged with intentionally causing fire hazard. The 28-year-old, by the decision of the court, will remain in temporary arrest pending trial.