

Quake kills two coal miners. Three are still missing

Two coal miners have died in an accident that happenned in the Zofiówka Mine in the southern town of Jastrzębie-Zdrój. The rescuers are still trying to reach the other three men trapped 900 meters below the ground. The rescue mission is conducted by 200 people around the clock. The conditions are extremely difficult but the plan is to finish the instalation of the ventilation system. Only then will they be able to determine whether rescue workers can reach the area where the miners are trapped.

"The neo-Nazis are the problem and not those who block their marches"

"The citizens want to take matters in their own hands because the state was ineffective in fighting the neo-Nazis in Poland," said former interior minister, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz in "Fakty po Faktach" TVN24. " We all feel that the problem are not those who block neo-Nazi marches, but the neo-Nazis themselves," added Mr Sienkiewicz. The guests of the second part of the programme were Professors Tomasz Nałęcz and Paweł Śpiewak.

Monumental feud between Warsaw and Jersey City

City authorities plan to remove the Katyń Massacre monument from the Jersey City Plaza where a park is to be built. The decision was made without consulting the Polish community in America and caused an outrage among its members and the Polish politicians. The speaker of the Polish Senate, Stanisław Karczewski asked the mayor of Jersey City, Steven Fulop to change the decision regarding the historic monument but the latter dismissed the appeal by saying that he "won't discuss anything with people who attempt to rewrite the history regarding Poland's involvement in the Holocaust". Mr Fulop also called Mr Karczewski a "well-known anti-Semite", for which the Polish government demands an apology. The monument is a reminder of the Katyń Massacre that took place in 1940 when the Soviets, on the order of Stalin and Beria, executed more than 20.000 members of the Polish military and intellectual elite.

"No other government infringed the constitution like Law and Justice have"

"The worst is yet to come. Not only due to Article 7, but because of the new rules that the European Commission wants to implement regarding conditioning EU funds on various criteria, including respecting the rule of law," said Civic Platform MEP, Adam Szejnfeld in "Fakty po Faktach". According to his interlocutor from Law and Justice, Karol Karski, MEP a compromise between the Polish government and the the European Commission has been reached. The guests of the second part of the programme were Adrian Zandberg and Paweł Piskorski. 

"The first lady isn’t a politician"

"The fact that the first lady met with the protesters in the Sejm somehow falls into a political context because only a political decision can put this issue to an end," said the spokesperson for the president, Krzysztof Łapiński in "Piaskiem po oczach". He stressed, however, that the president’s wife "is not a politician, prime minister, minister of any other official". He added that "the aim of the meeting was to reassure the protesters that the first lady is aware of their demands".

"Poland may lose billions"

"Anyone with clear conscience, who says that there is rule of law in their county, has nothing to worry about," said Civic Platform MEP, Janusz Lewandowski in "Fakty po Faktach". In the opinion of the former European Commissioner for Financial Programming and the Budget, the new draft EU budget means losses for Poland that can be counted in billions.

President signed amended judiciary acts

President Andrzej Duda has signed the amended judiciary bills, including the Act on Common Courts, the Act on the Supreme Court and the Act on the National Judiciary Council. Mr Duda also left his signature on the amended Act on the Constitutional Tribunal, according to which the three yet unpublished rulings of the Tribunal will finally be issued. The publication will come with a disclaimer saying that the rulings were "made with a violation of the law".

"I'm going to publish a white paper on constitutional abuse in Poland"

"I wouldn't partake in the consultation referendum regarding the Polish constitution. Mainly due to the fact that the current president who is the originator of the idea, has violated the binding constitution," said the former President of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski in "Fakty po Faktach". Zbigniew Girzyński and Andrzej Celiński were guests of the second part of the programme.

Referendum date is set. How will Law and Justice react?

The questions on the referendum are still unknown, but the date for the referendum has been set. President Andrzej Duda has announced in his speech on May 3rd Constitution Day that he will ask the Senate to set the date of the constitutional referendum for 10 and 11 November. Mr Duda wants the referendum to coincide with the centennial of the restoration of Poland's independence. There's no doubt as far as the president's intentions are. What remains unknown, however, are the plans of the ruling Law and Justice party.

3rd of May Constitution Day in Poland

Poland celebrates the 227th anniversary of the ratification of the 3rd of May Constitution. Official state celebrations started with a Holy Mass where the president and the first lady were present.

Timmermans: we're moving in a right direction

Polish foreign minister, Jacek Czaputowicz is on a mission in Brussels to bid "farewell to unnecessary tensions". He met with the First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans. They discussed the rule of law in Poland which according to Brussels is a problem. But Poland could also have a problem in receiving funds from the EU budget.

Mike Pompeo congratulates Poland

Newly appointed US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo has sent his congratulations to Poland for the anniversary of the Constitution of the 3rd of May. He also mentioned the centennial of Polish independence and affirmed the strong Polish-US alliance.

President: constitutional referendum on 10 and 11 November

President Andrzej Duda with his wife Agata took part in the commemorations of May 3rd Constitution Day. The head of state announced that he wants the consultation referendum regarding the constitution to take place between 10 and 11 of November. He also revealed that he's ready to submit an appropriate motion in Senate.

Protesters' dramatic plea. "We're waiting for the first lady"

On the 16th day of protest in the parliament building, the parents and caretakers of people with disabilities have invited the first lady for a meeting. "We're really counting on your visit and your support for our demands," the protesters wrote in the invitation that was handed over to Mrs Kornhauser-Duda by father Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski.

"It's very bad news". Former prime minister on EU budget proposal

"It's very bad news," said former prime minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, asked about the EU budget project that would introduce, among other changes, a 7-percent cut to cohesion policy. The guest of "Kropka nad i" added that he "can see the premise that the UE finally understood that it needs to react differently to problems with countries like Poland and Hungary. It's clear that the best advice is money".

"We need to make Warsaw a more friendly city"

"Today, it is important to focus on different priorities to make sure that Warsaw is a friendly city," said Rafał Trzaskowski, a candidate for mayor of Warsaw in "Fakty po Faktach". Mr Trzaskowski who is supported by his own Civic Platform and the Modern Party stressed that it it essential to address the needs of "senior citizens, young people and to improve housing policy and equal treatment of men and women". Asked if he's planning to continue the policy of the current mayor he said: "I meet with the people of Warsaw and the vast majority say that the city has improved under Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, but they criticise the reprivatisation scandal." The guest of the second part of the programme was the deputy foreign minister Konrad Szymański.

Short-circuit most likely caused fire in Kruszyniany

A short-circuit in the electrical installation is the most likely cause of the fire that torched the agricultural farm "Tatarska Jurta" in Kruszyniany in northeast Poland. Declarations of help to rebuild the complex have come in from the community, because the "Tatarska Jurta" has a special place on the cultural map of the Podlasie region and in the hearts of those who have visited it.

PiS submitted new bill to support the disabled. Protest continues

Law and Justice submitted a project of special solutions to support those with total disabilities. It assumes financing the rehabilitation by the National Health Fund. The government spokesperson said that the project would be examined by the Sejm during its nearest session on Tuesday.

EU draft budget for 2021-2027 revealed

It was an important day for EU member states as the budget draft for 2021 to 2027 was revealed. The European Commission is proposing that funding for the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policy is moderately reduced. Furthermore, Brussels wants to link funding to the rule of the law. Business news with Mateusz Walczak.