TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Metal pipe went through the windshield and hit the driver in the face

A dangerous accident took place on the national road number 19 in Kraśnik, in the Lubelskie region. A metal pipe that was laying on the road smashed the windshield of a car. After the object went airborne, the 46-year-old driver was seriously injured and everything was recorded by dashcam inside the vehicle.

Police detained a 29-year-old who brutally attacked four women in Łódź

There was a series of attacks on women in the centre of Łódź and questions were raised regarding the police reaction. Already four women have reported being attacked in the centre of the city, early Monday morning. One of the victims claims that after the attack and attempted rape by the 29-year-old, the police officers did not provide her adequate assistance.

"Gazeta Wyborcza": prosecutor is considering investigating Birgfellner instead of Kaczyński

On Thursday, Gerald Birgfellner was interviewed at the prosecutor's office for the third time. The prosecutor, however, still has not decided to begin a formal investigation and has not even questioned the chairman of Law and Justice. According to "Gazeta Wyborcza", the prosecutor is weighing whether to launch an investigation against the man who made the accusations in the first place.

TVN presenters have won the "Telekamera" awards

The "Telekamera" awards from the "Tele Tydzień" magazine have been handed out. Golden statuettes were awarded to TVN's Anita Werner and Travel Channel's Martyna Wojciechowska. In the category "TV personality" Dorota Szelągowska from HGTV was given the award. Nominees for "Golden Telekamera" awards are only eligible once they've already received three "Telekamera" awards. Those distinguished enough to earn one are chosen by viewers who vote online and by phone.

The National Bank of Poland finally revealed its salary structure

The time for guessing is over. The National Bank of Poland has finally revealed its salary structure and it has certainly raised eyebrows. Especially, since the director of communication earns much more than key directors, such as those of foreign operations and financial stability.

NATO's Stoltenberg meets presidents on alliance's east flank in Slovakia

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met the presidents of the alliance's eastern flank at a summit in the Slovakian city of Kosice on Thursday. Slovak President Andrej Kiska greeted Stoltenberg as well as his counterparts from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania, before all ten posed for a family photo. Stoltenberg and the presidents in attendance were set to discuss the current security situation in Europe. The meeting also marked the anniversaries of the attending countries joining NATO. The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland joined the alliance in 1999. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia joined in 2004.