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TVN24 News in English

EU wants new regulations that would make people drink tap water instead of bottled

The European Union is looking to introduce regulations that would make us drink tap water, instead of buying plastic bottles. Experts are trying to convince the public that not only it is safe, it's good for you and its quality will soon get even better. The European Commission has estimated that if bottled water was replaced by tap water, then household budgets across the EU would save over 600 million euros a year.

New mayor of Warsaw visited Radom to express support for incumbent mayor

"We've come to Radom first because Warsaw and Radom must continue close cooperation. Tomorrow and the day after I will visit further dozen cities, as we're all working very hard to encourage Poles to take part in the election run-offs," said the new Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski on Monday. Trzaskowski visited Radom to express support for the current mayor of the second-largest city in Masovian voivodeship, Radosław Witkowski who will face Law and Justice's candidate Wojciech Skurkiewicz in the second round of local elections. Another person who supports Witkowski is the Mayor of Lublin, Krzysztof Żuk.

Polish President won't participate in November's Independence March organised by nationalists

President Andrzej Duda will not participate in the Independence March organised by nationalist circles, even though he himself invited former presidents and representatives of all political circles to it. The participation of the head of state in a march where racist and xenophobic slogans appear sparked controversy in the first place. The president's spokesman said that Mr Duda wanted to be sure that during the march, there would only be red-and-white Polish flags, but the organisers weren't able to ensure that no other banners or symbols would be carried.

Poland's ruling party divided over controversial spot about immigrants

It was one of the most constroversial political ads in Polish history. At first, it divided the public, now it's dividing the government. Some of the members say that the ad published by Law and Justice and depicting Poland overrun by Muslim immigrants allowed in by the opposition, was wrong and morally unjustified. The opposition says that this outrage is fake and cynical like the ad itself.

Deputy justice minister: Poland will comply with the ECJ ruling on Supreme Court law

The Polish government will implement the decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Michał Wójcik has announced. According to that decision, Poland will return to the situation before the amedment to the extremely controversial law on the Supreme Court. The opposition says, although this is not a final verdict, but a temporary measure, it's a clear sign and signal that Law and Justice is breaching judicial independence.

Polish Yorkshireman created album covers for McCartney, Scorpions and Marillion

Paul McCartney, The Scorpions, Marillion. What do all of these legendary musicians have in common? The same artist created some of their album covers. His name is Jo Mirowski and though he has spent so much of his life in the UK, he calls himself a Polish Yorkshireman. Although he is a sort of a legend in musical circles, in Poland many people aren't aware of his achievements. During the Soundedit 2018 in Łódź, there's a great opportunity to learn about his impressive creative work.

LOT airlines employees suspended their strike until Monday

Flight attendants and pilots from LOT Polish Airlines have suspended their strike until Monday. The national carrier has agreed to reinstate dozens of employees who had been dismissed due to their participation in the industrial action. However, a deal is still far away.