Trump in Poland

Trump in Poland

"We believe this visit is a great opportunity for the Polish economy"

“U.S. President Donald Trump's visit is a great opportunity for the Polish economy,” said government spokesman Rafał Bochenek on Wednesday. He expressed the hope that the visit would not only strengthen Polish-American relations, but would also have an impact on EU's cooperation with the United States.

Since 1989 Poland has never been skipped

Whenever American Presidents came to Poland, it was always with something important to announce or declare. The topics were Poland joining NATO or EU, Poland’s involvement in the Iraq War, or deployment of American troops in Poland. We were told we were one of the closest and best allies of the US. Polish-American friendship, democratic transformations, and courage and valiance of the Polish people were all discussed – a permanent item on the agenda. But what is it that we can remember about the American visits?

"Permanent presence of American troops in Poland is our aim"

“Security understood very broadly – military, energy security – will be the most important issue for President Andrzej Duda during his talks with U.S. President Donald Trump,” announced President's spokesman Krzysztof Łapiński in “Fakty z Zagranicy”, TVN24 BiS.

"Trump will deliver a speech the whole world will listen to"

“President Donald Trump had already spoken very warmly about Poles living in the United States during his election campaign,” Deputy Speaker of the Senate Adam Bielan said on the TVN24 program "Jeden na jeden". “It wasn’t the case that we had to specially talk him into coming to Poland,” he added.

"The moment of reshaping our relations with the U.S."

“President Trump's visit involves only groundbreaking signals, novelties and moments, and therefore we can and we should expect a completely new stage of the political, military and civilizational cooperation between Poland, Central Europe and the United States. One can even say that this is a moment when our relations are becoming reshaped.” - said Minister of National Defence Antoni Macierewicz.

The United States, Poland and the Three Seas Initiative

The United States, Poland and the Three Seas Initiative, as Donald Trump’s visit to Poland concerns not only Polish matters but also creates an opportunity to speak to Europe and 12 country leaders. The initiative originating at the heart of Europe calls for better roads, railroads, trade and energy, and the American support makes it more powerful.

"Now is the time for allied solidarity"

U.S. President Donald Trump will get a chance to patch up trans-Atlantic ties this week when he meets with NATO allies still rattled by his failure on an earlier trip to embrace the principle that an attack against one member is an attack against all - reports Reuters.

"I think it is going to be an important speech"

"I think it is going to be an important speech. And I think he is going to speak to the people of Poland, to the people of the region's about what we have in common, that we are together, that we share our interests, share family ties and we share common concern for security." - said the U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Paul W. Jones, in conversation with TVN24.

"Stronger Europe means stronger and safer Euro-Atlantic bilateral relations"

The speech to be delivered by the President of the United States Donald Trump at Krasinskich Square in Warsaw is regarded by the Americans as a keynote speech. It is supposed to concern topics such as security policy, Europe and Polish-American relations – said Krzysztof Szczerski the Chief of the Cabinet of the President of Poland.

For some, Melania Trump in Warsaw is more fascinating than her husband

For some, Melania Trump in Warsaw is more fascinating than her husband, so while Donald Trump does politics, she will also have things to do. One of the most beautiful First Ladies will visit more than just the Belvedere Palace in Warsaw, and some are already asking if she will once again sweep everybody off their feet with her stunning outfit and if she will take her husband’s hand this time.

Szczerski: there are two major subjects we have to discuss with Trump

“President Andrzej Duda will have a surprise gift for President Donald Trump, but I can’t reveal what it is today. It should be a nice surprise,” said Krzysztof Szczerski, head of President Andrzej Duda’s political cabinet. In an interview for TVN24’s afternoon program "Fakty po Południu", he talked about the final preparations for Donald Trump’s visit to Poland.

"This visit will surely be a success"

"From the White House standpoint, this visit will surely be a success," said Michał Baranowski from the German Marshall Fund of the United States in "Wstajesz i wiesz", TVN24’s morning program, commenting on U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to Poland.