

Poland's openly gay politician Robert Biedroń launches new party called "Spring"

"Winter is yours, spring is ours," said Robert Biedroń to politicians from Wiejska street. He then set out on tour around Poland with his new party and an energy that the Polish political scene has long been lacking. Economists are summing up how much his promises would cost should he won the next elections. On the other hand, people who show on meeting with him are counting on something that cannot be put into numbers.

Poland's agriculture minister on "meat scandal": zero tolerance for such incidents

EU inspectors have come to Poland to Poland to monitor the situation relating to the so-called meat scandal. This after journalists revealed that sick cows were being used for meat in one Polish slaughterhouse. Meanwhile, the minister of agriculture has announced jail sentences, surveillance of slaughterhouses and zero tolerance for foolishness. Meat producers also want more severe punishment for those who ruin their reputation and poison consumers.

Building Research Institute: communist era concrete blocks are safe

The "big slabs", some them prefabricated, block flats from the communist era are still safe, according to the Building Research Institute which conducted inspections and tests on a few hundred of such buildings. These so-called big slab blocks consist of 4 million apartments which are home to over 12 million Poles. Although they were intended to stand for only a limited number of years, many of them could still serve future generations.

Poland's "king of designer drugs" finally sentenced after 8 years

Three and a half years in prison for the "king of designer drugs". The judge had no doubts and said that Dawid B. was selling could have killed six people and over 50 people were hospitalised. He was so overconfident, that when the police closed his shops, he would simply reopen them. He claims he is innocent and he was just selling incense.

Rescuers warn: frozen lakes are deadly dangerous

The cold is holding on tight but this doesn't mean that ice on lakes is safe. Frozen bodies of water can become deadly traps. Although rescue workers keep on repeating that we aren't safe on frozen ponds and lakes, there are still many people who risk their lives and those of others.

Hospital in Poznań received an ambulance thanks to a charity football match

There was a big game and now for the big result to help those in need. A hospital in Poznań has received a modern ambulance for its youngest patients. Doctors are saying that it's a specialist ward on wheels. It's equipped to save the lives of children who are only a few days old. It cost over a million zlotys. The money was raised during the September football match between TVN and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

Poland and the United States celebrate the centennial of diplomatic relations

Wednesday marked the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Poland and the Unites States. The first U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Hugh Gibson lived and worked out of the Bristol hotel in Warsaw, because there was no U.S. Embassy at the time. Poles has always given thanks to President Woodrow Wilson for supporting a free and independent Poland. Although Poland found itself on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, due to no fault of its own, both countries now enjoy close diplomatic relations and military alliance.

"I can't afford to be portrayed as a wealthy man" Next part of Kaczyński tapes

"Gazeta Wyborcza" published on Thursday the second of the so-called Kaczyński tapes. The daily presented the recording taken on the 2nd of August 2018, when the Law and Justice's chairman met with Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfellner and lawyers from Baker McKenzie law firm who were working on an investment in construction of two skyscrapers by Srebrna company. Kaczyński was recorded saying that he "cannot afford" to be portrayed as a "wealthy man" in the election campaign, hence the cancellation of the investment.

Businessman Kaczyński? Questions about PiS leader's role in Srebrna company

A series of questions for the Chairman of Law and Justice, Jarosław Kaczyński, regarding his business aspirations as a real estate mogul. Why did the chairman of the ruling party negotiate the construction of two skyscrapers worth 1,3 billion zlotys. Furthermore, is he the chairman of a political party or the chairman of the board for a developing company. Finally, what happens when this information is made public?