

"We need to understand why people were so afraid to help the Jews"

"To me, there is no such notion that 'all Polish people' are responsible. What my research shows is that some groups of Poles, in particular areas of the country , acted in horrible ways," said the guest of "Kropka nad i", professor Jan Grabowski, co-author of the book "It Is Still Night. The Fate of the Jews in Selected Districts of Occupied Poland". (Original title: "Dalej jest noc. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski")

Komorowski: sooner or later the current government will shoot itself in the foot

"PiS gained support by politically exploiting the Smolensk crash. Today, they are struggling to disentangle from the Smolensk lie," said the former Polish President, Bronisław Komorowski in 'Fakty po Faktach'. "After the hearing, I left the prosecutor’s office with the conviction that, sooner or later, the current government will shoot itself in the foot," added the former president.

"We believe Poles and Hungarians have a common path"

Hungary's Viktor Orban, Europe's hard-liner on immigration, on Friday hailed his common eurosceptic path with Poland's right-wing government as he headed into an election which seems certain to hand him a third straight term in power.

Andrzej Papierz appointed MFA undersecretary of state

The Polish prime minister appointed Andrzej Papierz as the new undersecretary of state in the ministry of foreign affairs. He will replace Jan Dziedziczak who was released today, said the chief spokesperson of foreign affairs ministry, Artur Lompart.

Tusk: I'm not retiring yet

"In 2019 I’ll be right here and, make no mistake, I won't be focused on watching TV or playing football with my grandchildren. I don't wish to predict any scenarios, but I hope that no rescue mission will be necessary," said the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk on TVN24’s "Tak Jest".

Timmermans to visit Poland on April 9

The vice president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, will visit Poland on April 9 to discuss the issues concerning the rule of law, a source from the Commission has revealed to the Polish Press Agency (PAP). The invitation was extended by Polish foreign minister Jacek Czaputowicz.

Support for Poland's ruling PiS party falls sharply - survey

Support for Poland's conservative ruling party has fallen sharply, according to a poll on Wednesday, after protests against a further tightening of the abortion law, a diplomatic spat with Israel and contested financial rewards for ministers.