Situation is tense in and around Ukraine, which is facing threat of another Russian invasion. "We will act accordingly to the developing security situation. We have prepared plans for various scenarios," Poland's Ambassador in Kiev Bartosz Cichocki told TVN24 on Monday.
Russia has been amassing troops along the border with Ukraine and in Belarus. Diplomatic talks at the highest level are being held in order to prevent further escalation.
TVN24 reporter in Kiev on Monday spoke with Poland's Ambassador to Ukraine Bartosz Cichocki. The diplomat informed that there no decision was made with regards to evacuation of Polish personnel from any of Polish institution in Ukraine. "We are working under the usual procedure. We will act accordingly to the developing security situation. We have prepared plans for various scenarios," he assured.
He added that "Poles stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian people". "I don't see any determination among Poles living in various regions of Ukraine to leave their neighbours behind," Cichocki said.
He added that "offers of humanitarian support" have been appearing from Poles living and doing business in Ukraine. "Many Poles living here are successful entrepreneurs who have their factories here. They are considering various ways in which to support civilians they live among," the ambassador said.
Expert: Russia surprised with the West's
Dr Adam Eberhardt from Polish think tank OSW Centre for Eastern Studies told TVN24 on Monday that for Russia it would be "much easier to move tanks into Ukraine than to later keep them in and effectively occupy the Ukrainian state".
In his view, a full-scale invasion scenario, including attack on Kiev or eastern Ukraine, was less likely at that stage.
Eberhardt also expects that the Kremlin is soon likely to take further action aimed to grow the feeling of uncertainty in the Ukrainians and the international community.
The expert was asked by TVN24 if the threat of the West imposing economic sanctions on Russia makes any impression on Putin. "I think it does. Russian generally engage in a dialogue, they signal intentions to talk, even though the offer that came from the West is absolutely unsatisfying for them. I think that maybe they were surprised with the West's firm stance when it comes to sanctions, military support offered to Ukraine, and transfer of U.S. forces to Europe," dr Adam Eberhardt said.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, TVN24
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