TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Bodnar: I saw the grievance of the people who demand respect for their rights

"In my opinion, the government is trying to find a way out of the situation, but without acknowledging that protesters are in the right," said the Commissioner for Human Rights, Adam Bodnar. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" commented on the protest of the disabled and their caretakers taking place in the parliament building. Mr Bodnar added that the people protesting in the Sejm, for many days now, have "triggered the society's imagination" regarding the problems that the disabled are facing every day.

LOT Airlines employees temporarily call off strike

The situation in LOT Airlines is now clear, at least for a moment. The general strike planned for 1 May was called off as the labour union represetatives have announced. The protest, however, is still possible at a later date. The unions will reveal further steps within two weeks, as they want to give the prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki more time to closely examine the situation in the Polish carrier.

Parents of little Alan collect money for critical surgery

They have three months to collect one million zloty. And this is all to help their son stand on his own two legs. The parents of little Alan hope that he will be able to undergo an expensive surgery and then rehabilitation in the USA for his leg defects. If not, the boy could face amputation.

"We won't be able to return to the Sejm once we leave the building"

Thirteenth night of disabled and their caretakers' protest in the Sejm. They want to meet with the minister of family and social issues, but demand a serious offer on the table. Minister Rafalska wants to meet, however, no longer in the parliament building, but in the Dialogue Centre. The protesters say that once they leave the Sejm, they won't be let back inside.

President Duda would get re-elected, according to survey

Almost half of respondents would vote for the current president Andrzej Duda, according to a recent poll by KANTAR Millward Brown for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. His biggest rival would be the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk for whom 24 percent of those asked would vote. The mayor of Słupsk, Robert Biedroń came third in the poll with 15-percent support. In a run-off of presidential elections, 53 percent of those surveyed would support Andrzej Duda, while 44 percent would vote for Donald Tusk.

Resisting the changes till the end. Even if it means "being walked out in handcuffs"

Power of Nowogrodzka (PiS party headquarters - red.) does not reach to the court rooms of other constitutional tribunals in EU. Over there, Polish Constitutional Tribunal does not hold any weight - said in TVN24 "Fakty po Faktach" Andrzej Rzepliński, former chief of that court. In his opinion, after changes in law forced by PiS, Polish Constitutional Tribunal has significantly lost in meaning. He said, that in face of such actions of the ruling party, judges should resist, even if that means being walked out of courts in handcuffs. In the first part of the program Waldemar Buda (PiS) and Jan Grabiec (PO) argued about current sit-in of disabled children parents in Sejm.

Polish designers eVolo 2018 Skyscraper Competition

A Polish team won amongst 526 submissions from all over the globe for the eVolo Skyscraper Competition. The authors of the winning project are Damian Granosik, Jakub Kulisa and Piotr Pańczyk. is a concept of a skyscraper that could serve as a shelter for people from areas that are under threat of war or natural catastrophe. An origami inspired foldable skyscraper can be easily moved to and deployed in disaster zones.

"We are in worse situation than the government is telling us"

- If the government is spending money so liberally, but can't find any funds in this situation, then I have only one conclusion: our financial situations is becoming tough - said in TVN24 "Kropka nad i" former president of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski. He was commenting on current dispute between government and parents of disabled children, who are protesting in the Sejm. In Kwaśniewski's opinion "the government came to realization, that the situation is bad and there is no more money".

Passenger rights in case strike takes off

What can you do when your flight is cancelled or delayed? Can you count on compensation? This time it was a close call for LOT Airlines passengers, as the general strike has been temporarily called off. However, it's good to know your rights in case LOT labour unions change their minds.

Baloon competition in Krosno

Beautiful and colourful tradition in the southeast of Poland. The International Mountain Hot Air Baloon Competition in Krosno always attracts the best pilots to compete. This year 33 crews came to Krosno to show their skills.

Poles enjoy their spring break in May

Labour holiday on the 1st and the Constitution Day on the 3rd of May means many Poles are kicking back and taking a week off. The weather this year in most of the country is making for a perfect vacation. Take a look at how Poles are enjoying their holidays.

PiS wants to cut salaries of MP's and Senators

Law and Justice is tightening the belt. In response to the bonuses given out to governement members by the former PM Beata Szydło, the salaries of representatives, senators and local officials will be cut by 20 percent. The new bill has been submitted in the Sejm. The opposition says that the legislation proposal is an attempt to cover up the scandal and tarnished image of the ruling party.

"Constitution for Business" enters into force

The "Constitution for Business" enters into force. The set of five acts which are aimed at the simplification of running business in Poland. Among other things, the legislation introduces new institutions and improves the relation between the business owners and the adminstration.

Tusk: I still haven't reached my finishline

I still haven't reached my finishline - said Donald Tusk as he recieved an award from European Polonia in Aachen, Germany. And once again, he is causing waves of speculation. Will he return to domestic politics? Or after his term in Brussles is finished will he contend for the Polish presidency? The former prime minister leaves us wondering about his future.

"We were deceived twice"

"When the government introduced the 500 zloty benefit for raising children, people didn't get coupons for flour or sugar. These people received money," said Iwona Hartwich from the Committee of Protesting Parents of Disabled People. Ms Hartwich commented on the recent proposal offered by the government to the protesters from the Sejm. The guest of the second part of the programme was Professor Aleksander Hall.